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john titor transcriptscharles william redknapp school

14 March 2023 by

After the reality of multiple worlds sank into our collective thought, the one basic change to all religious dogma is the concept that good and evil does not exist as an organized force in our lives nor can it be used as a useful way to judge what God may think of a situation. Then -- only then -- would constructive discussion really begin. 2) How is the magnetic field produced (I mean -- what power source holds the field in place)? Using your perfect English and logic to manipulate others into believing and following your story. I am not a computer expert. Even if you're not one, you should still make an *attempt* at trying to prove yourself. I would submit to you that the law is only as good as the people's willingness to apply it evenly and swiftly. However, I find myself believing it even more with each page. 5.There's a slim chance your worldline is just different enough my "prediction" won't happen. ((How are the five people within the 100 miles contacted?)). Does anybody here remember Marc Wade from the old BBS board. There are inconsistancies that are to large to write off. As Captain Kirk once said to his crew after the battle with Khan, "he is thinking in two dimensions only" we are thinking in three only. John mentions the Big War(2015) was between the Cities of America (the enemy of John) and Russia, China, etc. Depending on the power setting, 100 to 120 degrees is the car in drive mode when the device is activated or is it totally turned off?Timetravel_0-The car is off and the brake on.Pamela: 8.has the device been tested on ships and airplanes?Timetravel_0-Not that I'm aware of. In 2036, there is no gray. I have a basic home schooling education (k-12) and a bachelor's degree in history. Why don't you subject yourself to the same scrutiny that you subject others to. what do they look Now as a technician, that IS interesting but of the apparent 3,000 the director sent out. This is definately the least serious of my questions, but is there anymore background information you can give (What city you were born in, etc)? ))I'm sure I would end up in one of their nice little padded cells while they poked at my machine with a screwdriver. I will not disclose any detailed information that would allow someone to avoid death by probability.(3). The focus of our attention would then always be on the machine. Just curious, can anyone tell me what "Satan" really means?Had to answer those quickly. "well its a good thing I got injured in the Army, or else that might have been my fate as well.". BTW, GenXers would be about 40-50 years old in 2036. Timetravel_0-I wear a standard civilian service uniform during instruction and training. or that 'we didn't start the fire' or whatever it's title.. was a big hit song.. if you were a person at that'd remember those sorts of silly little titors response to my question (mine in parenthesis):"((you couldn't even answer the simple question of what will be the next 'movement' in music? wish to describe it), your prediction of its pending I doubt it, why? Actually, this is a good question. Therefore, based on his discription alone, I would say he is the one that posted the pictures. 10. This type of time travel is also isolated to a single worldline. I guess you are held accountable, in some way, for changes that occur in your time period. I do remember who won the triple crown about 30 years ago; Secretariat in 1973, also I think Affirmed did it in 1978. So will the Millenial Kids(MKs). The gravity field generated by the unit overtakes you very quickly. John wants to remain anon but posts numerous posts to this board and at least 2 others where he expounds on, among other things, the functioning and design of the TT machine. 3. I know her past too well--regrets and happiest moments. Where are we in the universe BTW, irrespective of our relation to surrounding physical masses. ), 3. Your welcome to stay at my place.Posted by Javier Cortez on 02-21-2001 08:01 AMWhy is that John, somehow you managed to pay your way to get on the air? This scenario could plausibly describe events which, perhaps, I'm also taking back family items that were lost in the war. many including myself certainly beleive that it's possible, but all you do is give fantastic stories and shrug off any attempt at evidence with your lame excuses. Whatever you do, don't shake hands with yourself, if you do meet. 43. My only concern is how it might affect the "me" on this worldline. 1) Not from the future. . Is it a stalemate with the resistance/militia hiding out until the cities are wiped out allowing them to surface?You site the approximate number of cities and military bases intact before the nuclear attack. I guess my point is that different divergences have different "loads" of importance. ))Yes, I am aware that is the obvious first answer but I would hope my moral and logical arguments at least make a dent in your thinking. Or even other major technologies besides the obvious that we arent aware of?Posted by John Titor on 02-08-2001 06:59 PMThis post addresses what I have seen before the last three. Christianity has fragmented into many groups and people with different beliefs speak mush more openly with others who have different outlooks and opinions. But can you just name some people who will be major tv stars or movie stars, or future major politicians or major companies? This problem lasted for quite a while until a very smart person came up with a very simple solution. He'd grown up in Florida, and experienced both a domestic conflict and a worldwide nuclear war. Why is the other way so common? bad boy goes good I believe the largest nuclear weapon ever built and tested was about 60 megatons. At least not that I'm aware of. No black hats and white hats, per se, but more the result of unthinking accep- For example, killing an enemy while he is a child? why would you care? The arch*e*olo*gee people landed like ***** on **** and wanted to know what the ++++ they were doing burning thousand year old native american dug out canoes for to keep warm. It depends on how you define power. (7) I go on vacation in May. I suppose I could predict the failure of Apollo 13 spacecraft but since time travel is ridiculous, I would be blamed for sabotage. (ok, i kinda like those bands..but the more modern day ones i care little for..).. i know that madonna for instance was on countless billboards in the 80's & was known for her 'sex' driven image..michael jackson was the 'king of pop'.. -- milli vanilli -sucked- & that 'the new kids on the block' were a rave w/my also say this: You're a traveller too? Im sure the future will have a wide use of emulation technology, inwhich you could easily emulate this old computer and all of its uses. You would both possess the same basic fingerprints and DNA. Yes, we have police but they are organized in smaller groups. Somehow I always see this out of liberally-biased people, when someone is being quizzed, these liberally-biased people complain of attacks when they (or their heros) can't answer questions to someone's satisfaction. This book is transcripts of his Internet chatroom communications while he was visiting the family of his childhood. This is a roughly cumulative measurement based on my arrival in 1975. . This is inherently unfair, and you should give it some thought. There are two cases and two points of view to consider. Posted by Melinda Floyd on 01-31-2001 10:50 AM. Have we colonized the Moon? I also have two teenage sons who are gun nuts. There's a lot in this world we don't know.. everything from creatures, to diseases to even time travel. A good sign that he is not telling the truth. yep and you did post right after that I see. It was a sociological look at the history of the United States through the lens of different generational groups. There are NO multiple worldlines, histories, or whatever occuring at this or any time. So as Mike suggested, instead of going on about fantastic time machine components and WW3, why not actually gain some credibility by correctly telling NEAR future events? ))They will be the ones arresting and holding prople without due process. Are you sure the 1/2 life of the radioactive fallout from WWIII is now / then safe in 2038 ? There are two singularities. So far he has not been interested.I'd be more than happy to give him a web site, a domain name, for that matter a web server if it would help get more answers and time out of him. it doesn't seem very beneficial to -us-..just to -you- (atleast from your statements).-blonnie-Posted by Craig Cuthbert on 02-15-2001 04:13 PMIf all the idealists who have traveled the path of confronting sceptics, were laid end to end ?they'd be better off that way?Where are we in the universe BTW, irrespective of our relation to surrounding physical masses.The galaxy, and us with it, is traveling at ~ 390 km/sec. The electricity comes from batteries. Another fellow who posted earlier was a bit upset over what I was saying because he thought I was soon going to ask for money by selling something. PS--Is Art Bell remembered? (HA! Would you hope.nothing?((P.S. Two more questions. Let's see your proof, your CV, and your school transcripts. With multiple worlds come multiple decisions and outcomes. John mentions that the mechanical typewriter is a major machine again in the future, but in another post says the Internet still exists and is widely used. Yes, we have the death penalty. Perhaps our definition of war is different. Are they safe on the streets at night? Your awfully unclear when asked questions of this nature. And where is our venerable TT John T? Secondly why is this little book so important. 30. Is ours today good in say 2010 or 2020?Other than time travel how do most people get around the country? We do have a No.. The C206 uses 6 Cesium clocks and an active method of timing the changes in the atom. No black hats and white hats, per se, but more the result of unthinking accep- That is yet to be proven, but it has held strong for more than half a All things can be created, all things can be -- the difference is I chose not to make the choice of yes or no -- I believe or I don't until it slaps me like a wet fish. 1. I'm not positive but don't they sign a small piece of paper now asking them if they would have a problem with that? (NKJV) For those int- You have welcomed a stranger into your lives who is not what he appears to be. ))Yes, I am pondering posting more of the manual. In fact I'll go to the mat for free speech. I enjoyed reading it, thanx! Based on the accuracy and timing of the "snapshots" the distortion units are limited to how long they can travel before becoming unstable.2. Constant speed is not acceleration.LARGE GRAVITY = STATIC BLACK HOLE that's my take. Maybe you should be taking back healthy sperm and eggs. and exactly what would they see as you departed? ((How many days seem normal? You seem to think I have tomorrow's paper in front of me. Or would it cease to exist? It's difficult to define the most predominant religion. (NKJV) 34. Is that an accurate assumption? All matter within a certain distance is then pushed (somehow) along a time-dilation type trip in time, forward or backward. The space shuttle was scheduled to land at Kennedy as of this morning but was changed to Edwards at the last minute because of weather. I might even decide to tell you about an earthquake in Peru but then people that would have died by chance will now live and vice versa.All I can think of is to make something up. Wikimedia Commons John Titor's military symbol. Is that possible or something you would be willing to do? When I was thirteen I used to worry about which shotgun slug would take a door handle off and whether or not I had any dry socks. What sort of birth control do you practice? And he met some girl there, they got married and now you get to visit them once every year in LAs Vegas? And believe it or not, someone here has to. But if you don't have those, could you possibly consider downloading one of them, then emailing me your user name,nks!I've tried talking online before and found it quite enjoyable but I find the questions and comments come so rapidly its hard to keep up. The drug war is a useless wat. And that's how you got asked to be apart of this Time Travel project in the first place. You feel a tug toward the unit similar to rising quickly in an elevator and 4) He is in his late 20's or early 30s. Yes -- we in the government DO watch for things like this. ))The other mass comes from other worldlines. ((Is propane still around in the future? ((What do you look like? me next to nothing to be aware or to prepare. But I know how perfect you like to have things with your writing. No, I don't have any additional information concerning crop circles, ETs or UFOs. ((Is there an active market on new books in your time, or has that infranstructure not rebuilt it self? It's called "Waco -- Rules of Engagement." As long as the links last, I do urge people to go back and take a look at some of the more insightful things you have to share. The positive ergosphere leaves a longer area near the center of mass. if only to please my aesthetic sense!Please excuse me if I misuderstood but neither I nor anyone else here is going direct their meanderings in any direction to please "your" sense of Aesthetics. The problem was very straightforward. Please excuse me if I misuderstood but neither I nor anyone else here is going direct their meanderings in any direction to please "your" sense of Aesthetics. I still feel its a good sentiment. & telling us something such as her existance would not greatly affect the outcome of our entire world.. so why not tell us?)). If you do, then I must be real if all possibilities exist. This particular form of rekulla is only found five times, all in Ezekiel (Eze. I don't deny anyone's right to say what they want. I said I didn't have any money from 2036. Other than the small countries, I doubt nuclear warheads are going to be shot from each end of the globe. ((John, any chance of getting a better set of photos with more of the manual?. But mainly what I'm saying is that your story is very important to you, and that consistency is paramount to you. I would show it to you but it only comes out when I am alone. When I was working there, I was a R&D assistant to Dr. I want to see that something so fantastic and so outlandish that it is science fiction right now, come true.Those are MY motives for being here, chatting about this.Granted, there are deeper, more scientific discussions on other boards and elsewhere in the scientific community, but they are "deeper" than I wish to delve. ))I believed I wrote about Australia a bit earlier. The manual also is what you would expect from the military. What kind of criminals are in them? lets please direct our miranderings a little more effectively even on this micro level, . Will it decay? ((I guess if you asked Joseph Campbell there are only a few stories and all literature is the re-telling of the same few stories in different settings. effects but I try to avoid eating before a flight. ))I learn a great deal about your culture from the words you write (like right now). What do you think my goals are? There will be plenty of guns around when you need them. He made you get flustered and loose your sense of decorum. I have argued that the important thing here is the discussion and not if "you are" or "you are not" a TT. What is the name of the Pope? LOCALIZED KERR FIELD = TIPLER SINUSOID ))My first opportunity to go home is this spring. Just wanted to recommend a book I think might tell you volumes about present macro socio-economic conditions that }:P, Posted by John Titor on 02-13-2001 11:23 AM, ((I just have this to ask you. do you really believe that, a homeopath in Schenectady New York has the equipment to perform a 40 million to 1 dilution of a microgram of some substance with any degree of accuracy?I have my fair share of supporters and detractors regarding my life work, and political ideology. What would the use of pi as opposed to phi in a formula for attenuating a static EMF do to a multidimensional construct? John is not what he appears to be. yep and you did post right after that I see. "Your example of what people would do based on something I might say is accurate. Our home was searched once and the neighbor across the street was arrested for some unknown reason. I do however require a certain amount of civility to enter into protracted debate, as I believe that the moment you lose perspective, the conversation becomes moot.I do feel that some personal attacks are valid. I think John was saying to listen to Dr. Day tonight. The entirety of this thread has been: you developing your story. Let's say he's writing a book. I'm not aware of any "mind control" devices being used on you now. If you truly wished to do this your first line would not have been, 'I am a time-traveller'. Before I forget. Posted by John Titor on 02-08-2001 01:18 PM. Yes, the U.S. did counter attack. If you know enough about physics you can get him to say he doesn't undestand a concept that would be required to understand some other concept he claims to understand. What do the years from 2008 to 2015 look like? Which is a reason I don't think John can be proving to us that he is indeed a TT. I could hear the gears turning in Art's head as he finally realized that he had been suckered. Tell me what it is. Topic Search: Apollo MissionsGuest: Dr David AndersonWebsite: Do you recognize the name Benedict? The idea is to become familiar with the possibility of meeting yourself which can be rather difficult. I'll say this much. If so, in which contexts?Things of that nature . I suppose I took it as if it was one of TT_0 posts. This is the main reason he is following some very specific "non interference" doctrine. Personally I find this thread interesting, without a lot of the just totally putting John down. "awaiting your findings If it never occured, no body would be sent back to stop it, which would mean that the event does take place. ..nothing I do here will affect my home. Although it is smaller than an electron, it would still be quite undesirable. bad boy goes good Posted by Mel Reckling on 02-21-2001 07:43 AM. However there is a fear about being here that I can only define as uncertainty. ((Time travel may be possible, but if you were to time travel, you would NOT land on Earth. Posted by Matt Hagemeier on 02-01-2001 11:55 AM. He will have open lines all night. If the magnetic system failed (which has numerous backups including a system that would remove it from this worldline), the singularity would evaporate. am I remembering straight? Again I appeal to you to e-mail me if you want to carry this any further we are off topic now. And if that child would grow up to stop this civil war in the future, and mankind is better for it (no doubt saving several of your friends and family members), would you feel guilty? ((What would the DOD do to you if they found you out? I remember playing with magnets back then, and being absolutely fascinated with the magic of magnetic fields even then (which eventually drove me into the sciences, chemistry, physics and finally electronics engineering).I remember a TV show called "Time Tunnel" in the late 60's. OK, here is the BIG problem. is the real question. I think the guy that called us Sheep is wrong and it is folks like HIM that completely close off education and communication. As unusual and bad as my childhood might seem, I wouldn't trade it for anything.Africa is not a pleasant place to be in 2036 although I would characterize it as recovering.The music you enjoy now is quite popular and available it's just not produced in anywhere near the same amount. seems rather -one-sided- to me.)). The Waverider and his fantastic faxes to AB? John IS a TT'er who has a hidden agenda. Is it.Best regards, I have nothing but open-mindedness for religious conversation and I look forward to more. It is rumored this was written first as a letter by a soldier. I'll be listening in (and commenting) from time to time. I also think that it is a mystery to unravel. Yes, there are people I trust here and I would hate for any harassment or harm to come to them. If John is from the future, let's keep his interest and not bore him with the same questions over and over and over and over again. Do you call everyone that doesn't give you a satisfactory answer a liar? That's one of the basic protocols we do in any time period for possible, future travelers. (Yes, black holes do emit energy. The attack on Europe is in response to a unified European army that masses and moves East from Germany. My definition of a patriot is anyone who defends the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. (I think) correct me if I misunderstood his post. Yes, paper money is still widely used.28. I believe such a move would also precipitate new experiences. Yes, I often think about that when I see pictures of "my" farmer general in Omaha. If those were indeed the ethics you were committed to and reasoned with, you would not be here now. OK, this John Titor guy obviously is really into science fiction, a scientist, or is actually a TT'er.

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