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14 March 2023 by

Official Secrets is, for the most part, a historical account of these events in 2003, but as with nearly all films based on a true story, some things have been changed to aid the drama of the narrative. Can dementia be spotted in CHILDHOOD? Iran, meanwhile, says it doesn't want war, but will defend itself. I was 27 when it all began. Jack Straw, then the foreign secretary, has not been challenged on whether he authorised the operation to go ahead, although it is almost certain that he did. When Official Secrets received its British premiere at Londons BFI Film Festival earlier this month, I was determined to wear something that held a special meaning and settled on a dress by an Iraqi designer. Where do you draw the line? So we just worked on the performance from the very what if it's you? Martin Bright, who is in the movie very briefly I guess, is no longer in journalism as I understand it. But Katharine Gun, whos now the subject of a new film, the Gavin Hood-directed Official Secrets, did a lot moreand became one of the most important political whistleblowers that most Americans have never heard of. So that's who's running this show. For the future, I hope the film will help locate the missing pieces from the story. Meanwhile, Kamal Ahmed, who is the guy at The Observer, is now the editorial director of the BBC. In the years following, an author called Marcia Mitchell contacted me and said she was keen to write a book about my case. Gun, a translator with the British intelligence service known as Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), received a document just before the war from an NSA manager, seeking British intelligence support in spying on members of the UN Security Council, to effectively blackmail them into voting for a second resolution that would make legal the invasion of Iraq. Then, the following Monday, I printed out a copy of the email, folded it up, and tucked it carefully in my bag. Before 1989, there had been a Public Interest Defence to protect whistleblowers, but that was altered amid the furore surrounding the sinking of the Argentinian Navy cruiser, the General Belgrano, in the course of the Falklands War. We had planned to demand that the Attorney General Lord Goldsmith disclose the advice he had given on the legality of the war and so put the war itself on trial. I don't think she thought they would deport her husband, I really don't think she thought that. "On the one hand, she's free. And I thought this is going to end in the worst civil war. What did you think was going to happen? And in her case, she risked both her job and her freedom and whatever you think of her politically, I think that takes some guts. David Dayen: So why do you think this is an important story to tell now in 2019? Feel free to republish and share widely. One by one, all those who received the email approximately 100 people were taken in for a grilling. I had, of course, signed the Official Secrets Act, content in the knowledge I was working within the law for Britains protection. Because it's just an Executive Branch trying to grab power as an authoritarian. Was the British government aware of it? David Dayen: The first thing I thought about when looking at this movie is that in most recent historical epics, the audience knows what's happening next. WebHer late husband, Tom, a former special agent of the FBI and one-time head of counter-intelligence in New York, co-authored the Gun story. "Still no regrets," she said. For the Observer too, it was a story full of risks. She now has a four-year-old daughter who she is bringing up in Turkey. Do you vote, do you analyze who you should vote for or do you just take it for granted? Katharine Gun and Martin Bright could be forgiven for fielding Hollywoods overtures with a degree of skepticism. Keira said no one knows Katharine, and that's not an insult to Katharine. Or at least, she could have been. Gavin Hood: Keira is wonderful and is absolutely professional, arrives perfectly prepared, very calm, no fuss. Unfortunately. She wasnt planning to get caught and then the dilemma was, My friends are all going to have their lives ruined.. So there is sometimes a thought in my head that says: What if Katharine hadn't leaked that memo? And it's also true that we were then attacked by the Drudge Report for what would now be called 'fake news. Gun was visiting friends and family in Cheltenham when I talked to her, with the strain obvious on her face but still looking much younger than her 38 years. "Obviously, we are compressing a story that took place in real life over a period of a year into two hours. Gavin Hood: Thats such an interesting statement, I mean, I just took it at face value that papers take an editorial position, but youre right. Gavin Hood: There is a kind of cognitive dissonance. ", Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters, Keira Knightley's Birthday: Her 15 Best Movies Ranked, In the film, when Gun is sent an email from someone high up in the U.S. government that reveals the U.S. covert plan, she decides to leak it to Bright, who works for the British newspaper, Keira Knightley as Katharine Gun in "Official Secrets. In fact, I had no idea what was going on. You are sitting in the intelligence services, and Ive spoken to many now because Ive made other films in that world and I have some interesting folks that Ive been able to talk to, and the struggle was were being disloyal if you dont toe a party line, as it were, but we know this isnt right. The movie tells the story of Katharine Gun (played by Keira Knightley), a translator with the U.K.'s GCHQ who, in 2003, leaked top secret documents to journalist Martin Bright (Matt Smith) that revealed that the American government's plans to apply pressure on members of the U.N. Security Counsel to pass its war resolution. It was like a neon sign that was flashing at me, Gun says. The days and weeks dragged agonisingly by. The story of Katharine Gun, a whistle-blower who exposed NSA spying in the lead-up to the Iraq War, gets the Hollywood treatment. This, despite credible evidence that Iran was in full compliance with terms of the agreement. WebKatharine Gun wasn't looking for attention or any type of notoriety when in 2003, while working as a British intelligence specialist, she leaked a top secret memo. The concern among many Americans is that claims of an unprovoked, deadly attack by Iran are exaggerated. He was actually gone for three days. A decade on, sitting in a cafe in Cheltenham, not far from GCHQ, I asked her if she still stood by what she had done. I sensed a slight flash of anger as she said: "It's not even a footnote in the history of Iraq." He loves a battle, when it's done with words, boasts, and threats. The real-life Gun said: "The attempt at deportation kind of spiked my stress level again for another period of my life." Interestingly I think we faced a challenge, which some of you may or may not agree with. The story went around the world and the leak electrified the international debate during the weeks of diplomatic deadlock. WebGun, then 28, received an email about a U.S.-led operation enlisting the help of Britain to spy on other countries, in an attempt to blackmail them into supporting the Iraq War. 265 ratings46 reviews British secret service officer Katharine Gun's only crime was telling the truth, but she paid a steep price when she exposed a U.S.-U.K. spy operation to secure UN authorization for the Iraq invasion. WebIts the tale of whistleblower Katharine Gun, a former translator for the UKs Government Communications HQ, who leaked a top-secret memo in 2003 on the eve of a divisive US-led war. Public attention is the last thing you expect if, like me, youd settled for a job in the shadowy world of British intelligence. The truth was that in April of 2002, the two world leaders secretly had agreed on a plan to take out Saddam, all the while giving speeches insisting that the only motivation for even considering war was that horrific stockpile of deadly weapons. What do I do? And that was my way in. What is this paper? Us, in any situation, wherever you work, I thought that's what this timeless about it. And I did the same for the journalists and the lawyers and everybody. Most directly, it bolstered opposition to the US position from Chilean and Mexican diplomats weary of American "dirty tricks". She wasnt charged for eight months a gruelling period which is depicted as just a few And maybe they were right, I don't know. Some of those same birds are still flapping wings in the skies above Washington. The poor woman is based on a real person. To me, it was a way of showing that Iraq cannot be dismissed as a horror show of suffering, but is an ancient and sophisticated culture that goes back thousands of years. For example, a scene where Gun tries to get her husband out of an immigration detention center actually played out over three days during which she did not know where he was. They failed. There were some audience questions as well. Please, become a member, or make a one-time donation, today. Amazing lady, shes still a journalist. Powerful Commons committee could look at case for banning stoves in towns and Love Island hit by hundreds of Ofcom complaints from furious viewers over 'toxic femininity' row and Movie As easy as buying a loaf of bread: Undercover footage reveals how laughing gas is being sold from local Could Northern Ireland become the UK's Silicon Valley? Is this a matter of threatening to launch a war, or is it a matter of responding to the US positioning itself for war? Because I'm not ambitious it's not paramount for me to find myself in a high-paid job. Surely, she thought, when people realised that the UK was being asked to collaborate in an operation to find out personal information that could be used to blackmail UN delegates, they would be outraged and the UK government would halt its slide into war. This, remember, was a conflict that caused the deaths of 179 British servicemen, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and caused countless more to suffer serious wounds, both physical and psychological. This meant that a lot of the things that we see Gun go through in the film actually took far longer in real life. She got into a plea bargain, they still gave her five years. I don't know that consciously it did, it's just that I didn't know the story and so, for me, it was I asked Katharine, I flew to London, I met her for five days. Americans find it hard to believe that it could happen, but it happens, it happens fast. Eventually, it was widely held that at least one of the reports of the attacks, and perhaps even both, were false. WebWhistleblower Katherine Gun, right, is played by Keira Knightly in the movie Official Secrets View gallery Gun was outraged after she learned - as part of her job with GCHQ - that And Where Is Katharine Gun, JUST 36 HOURS TO GO IN OUR WINTER CAMPAIGN. And she said, I dont work for the government. That was my first thoughtwhat do you mean you dont work for the government? However, her husband and the father of her daughters name is Yasar Gun. "One of the things that we discovered quite early on when he was interviewing me was that a lot of stuff was just happening in my head. But, maybe if I didn't know and maybe if I went into that job and discovered oh my God, maybe I really can stop a terrorist attack today. As the title of the film script suggests, she was "The Spy Who Tried to Stop a War". She said, I worry what's going to happen, they'll go, Ooh, I don't know if I like Keira Knightly in blonde hair, what's she done to her nose, does she have glasses on? Because they don't have a comparison to make, until you see her at the end of the movie. And I know whose throat it really sticks in, is [British journalist] Ed Vulliamy, who I adore. It is written by Sara and Gregory Bernstein, a California-based husband-and-wife writing partnership who have worked with British director Jonathan Lynn. The other kind of fight could be frightening and politically risky. His philosophy comes from a military intelligence model, which actually, by the time you go to war, now it's about winning. Instead, the American coalition was forced to stake its claim to a legal invasion on grounds of self defense, including now-infamously untrue claims about weapons of mass destruction. Yet here was a story that had the capacity to derail the war altogether. I am an American citizen; I have a strange accent but Ive been here 25 years; my kids were born here. WebKatharine Gun (ne Harwood), 47, is married to Yasar Gn, a Turkish Kurd, with whom she has a 13-year old daughter. Perhaps a plane painted in UN colors could be shot down over Iraq. It wasone of the reasons I came to this country in 89 was because we were getting drafted, and I thought I cant do this. Iran, of course, isn't interested in dealing with him. Following the incident, Gun struggled to find work that she Perhaps it was no wonder that Tony Blairs government decided to abandon the case without offering any evidence. In a year that the U.S. president is accused of pressuring foreign governments for political gain, the story behind the film Official Secrets seems particularly timely. The central issues of whistle-blower protection, public interest disclosures, journalistic freedom and the accountability of our elected representatives continue to be just as relevant today. As a result of the story the paper published 10 years ago this weekend, she was arrested, lost her job and faced trial under the Official Secrets Act. If Keira Knightleys remarkable performance in Official Secrets can help change that, the film will truly have been worthwhile. By printing off the memo, putting it in her handbag and taking it home, she was already committing a serious breach of the Official Secrets Act. Give today. She said, I thought that might be quite interesting and exciting. So she said, Can I just do nothing with my hair, put on the jeans like Katharine wore? So the wardrobe is accurate to Katharine's style. That kind of propaganda has to stop. We even got as far as the Old Bailey. For me as a journalist who was really getting started around that time, this climate of fear that was in place in the United States and also in the UK. So right there, you are pulling out the highlights," said Hood of the key issue with making Official Secrets. So Im very proud of Keiras performance and I dont mind that she doesnt have blonde hair. "And she then said: 'My way into this is what would I as the unadorned, no-makeup, no-fancy-edges Keira Knightley what would I feel like if this memo landed on my desk?'". ", Bright noted that apart from some small flourishes to heighten the drama, he didn't think Official Secrets had "any genuine liberties taken with the truth. Never mind that invading another country for the purpose of regime change is illegal according to international laws to which the United States is a signatory. Webdeport Guns husband, Yasar (Adam Bakri), a Muslim Kurdish Turk who was awaiting permanent leave to remain in the U.K. Such a law is not compatible with openness, transparency, accountability and justice. Ed, I know some people have said that Rhys Ifans [who plays Vulliamy] is slightly over the top. Six months later they released Nelson Mandela. You have no idea. In real life, "the spellcheck largely happened through a series of phone calls," according to Bright, "because on a Sunday newspaper we don't work on a Sunday, and we don't work on a Monday. Most whistleblowers leak after the event to expose perceived wrongdoing. It was almost as if that request was asking for someone within their own nation to do this work; it wasn't asking another completely independent state for co-operation.". When I got to the interview thats when they told me that its for GCHQ, I didnt know what GCHQ did. So, I think she entered the world out of a sort of strange curiosity. I've seen that happen. But I do want to give her credit that I think I didn't do her justice enough in the moment that she leaked that memo; it changed so quickly to war that we don't really get a moment to absorb the fact that as a result of her leaking that memo, there was no vote at the UN Security Council. Every day we worked together for about five to six hours and then I referred back to her many times, subsequently, but I had literally just said, let's start at the beginning and let me hear first-hand from you your story and then I'll tell that story. You dont have to agree with what she did, Im just telling you what she did. We have a blondish-looking Katharine. You may not know the name Katharine Gun unless you live in the United Kingdom, but she was a pivotal figure in the run-up to the Iraq War. So, to find that it would be dramatised on the big screen was as wonderfully welcome as it was astonishing. "I think part of the reason Gavin included it was just to kind of share that thought process.". But when Gun's lawyers threaten to question the U.K. Attorney General Lord Goldsmith about Britain's involvement in the Iraq war, the government drops their case against Gun. So it was a pretty awful thing to happen to her. WebKatharine Gun, as passionately embodied here by Knightley, skews too noble to be particularly interesting, and the film is weakest when its focused on her and her husband Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. So she went along to this interview, and she was 28. After a police interview, at which I repeated my admission, I was released on bail to await the decision of the Crown Prosecution Service. Now there is the possibility that Gun's singular life will be made into a movie. And isnt it also time to re-examine the Official Secrets Act? There it was spotted by Debs Paterson, director of the critically acclaimed Africa United, who met Katharine Gun last week with a view to making the film of her life. Right now my priorities are to ensure I am there for my daughter.". Surely, after 16 years, we are entitled to have answers. You took this job and didnt even know what it was. '", The reality was not nearly as dramatic as in the film, where Bright and his editor are together in a newsroom when the mistake is revealed, leading to them being dropped from interviews with a number of international news outlets. "There seems to be this blas attitude the spying goes on, everyone does it and so it's nothing to get all hot under the collar about. David Dayen: As someone who works on a magazine, it's the ultimate copyediting failure. As a result, there never was any second UN resolution. But I know some folks because of films I made like Eye in the Sky, and before that I made a film called Rendition. Across the world, millions protested the invasion of Iraq, doing their own small parts to attempt to prevent the war. Yet I do think Keira perfectly captures the strain I was under, the isolation and fear. It was an interesting experience because you couldn't really go bending things the way you thought would be more dramatic, you just have to make the story itself and hope there was enough drama there. Her story, which reveals what a country will do when it wants war and claims it does not, is told in an updated book and a major motion picture soon to be released--Official Secrets (Keira Knightly is Katharine). As it was, a second UN resolution directly to authorise war against Iraq never materialised and air strikes began on 19 March 2003. It is to say that a government, for its own reasons may, either by design or through miscalculation, lead a country into an unnecessary and brutal war. Look at what happened to Reality Winner in this country. Only now, more than a decade and a half later, is this disturbing sequence of events once again receiving the attention it deserves thanks to Official Secrets, a brilliant new movie starring Keira and former Doctor Who, Matt Smith. However, Gun added that this was nothing on the anxiety she felt when the memo she had leaked ended up on the front page of The Observer, which she called "the most stressful memo of my life. It should take the facts as they lead. Iraq All Over Again? As the working day came to close, I tried to project a sense of calm I didnt feel, walked out of the gates and put the incriminating email in the post. It left me in an impossible predicament. Its had far reaching and very negative impacts in all aspects of our institutions and our public life," Gun says. The true story of a British whistleblower who leaked information to the press about an illegal NSA spy operation designed to push the UN Security Council into sanctioning the 2003 invasion of Iraq. I got that from Yasar. If we give over, if we start believing the fake news, as you say, we're all doomed, man. When you support The American Prospect, youre supporting fellow readers who arent able to give, and countering the class system for information. I grew up in South Africa in the seventies and eighties, when apartheid was really tightening and tightening and tightening. The point of all of this is painfully obvious. Throughout her own court case, what only a few knew was that she was also fighting for But George W. Bush did something that, thankfully, Trump hasnt pulled off yet: He took us to war. Ive been impressed by the film-makers determination to stick to the facts Gavin Hood, the director, interviewed me at length over five days and I was consulted throughout the process. Weve said it before: The greatest threat to democracy from the media isnt disinformation, its the paywall. David Dayen: Just the notion that the paper would say, we're for the war, that was their editorial position. I actually think the little memo lands on our lap more often than we think, even if it's just who I should vote for. So, I guess we all have a threshold. WebAttempts were made by the authorities to deport her husband, who grew disillusioned with Britain. The increasing presence of US Navy ships and a B-52 bomber task force in their neighborhood might provoke the Iranians to load up their missiles. So important was this email, I knew it might even derail the case that Tony Blair was making for joining the Americans in an invasion. Gabrielle Bruney is a writer and editor for Esquire, where she focuses on politics and culture. Not the truth, but the war. The difficulties of translating Gun's story also made writing the climax of the film tricky. By Katharine Gun, Gchq Whistleblower For The Mail On Sunday, Published: 22:33 GMT, 26 October 2019 | Updated: 16:47 GMT, 8 November 2019. "We started wondering whether we should do the blonde hair and the glasses and wondering about prosthetics, but one point Keira said to me, 'You know, the last thing I want is the audience to say, 'Oh, I don't know if I like her blonde,'" said Hood. Or, in this case, when the Office of Special Plans was set up, youve got Feith and someone like Abram Shulsky, whose philosophy of intelligence is very different. To donate by check, phone, or other method, see our More Ways to Give page. It turned out a copyeditor at The Observer had run the memo through spellcheck before printing it.]. She didnt know where he was for three days and she took the train down from Charlton to London to see the MP, Nigel Jones, who said exactly what he says in the movie. And he kept thinking, 'How am I going to portray this? WebGun sacrificed so much when she decided to leak and has worked only intermittently since. Who spoke to the homeland secretary? In technical speak, the Americans wanted the whole gamut of information which would give US policy makers an edge in obtaining results favourable to US goals in relation to Iraq. And we keep that system alive. Gun discusses her attempt to stop the Iraq War, which is the subject of the new movie Official Secrets. But again, I cant help but make some small jokes about these things. Liberty, the civil rights organisation, and Ben Emmerson QC had already agreed to defend me and we prepared for trial. As opposed to trying to be Katharine Gun. But the Bush administration went to war anyway, using the pretext of weapons of mass destruction. So thats how the scene happened, but she didnt know where he was for three days, he was at Harmonsworth, before she got him out. What appealed to me in the end is that Katharine is in fact, far more like us. And just coming from my perspective, the press, because a lot of this is a story about the press, and how they handle it. I was arrested for a breach of section one of the Official Secrets Act 1989 and held overnight in a cell in the basement of the Cheltenham Police headquarters. Was it because we had demanded the Attorney Generals legal advice as part of my defence? At some point, as you probably know, Bush and Rumsfeld decided to bypass the CIA and take out that Office of Special Plans. Katharine Gun, former intelligence specialist turned whistleblower, discusses the new film "Official Secrets" which details why she leaked a classified memo. But she said she would still be prepared to give evidence to the Chilcot inquiry into the Iraq war. Then, the world is safer until the sequel when it all happens again. Its Straussian, over the top and pretentious but basically amounts to this. If if wasnt, what does that mean for the rule of law? She was a spythe communications she translated had been obtained covertly, but she did the work in the interest of protecting Britain. Throughout her own court case, whatonly a few knew wasthat she was also fighting for the right of her husband, who is from Turkey, to remain in the UK. This was her first or second week at the paper. Even though she didn't stop the war and some people are like what's the point if she didn't stop the warwell, the point is how do you sleep at night? She thought wow, they need a Mandarin translator at GCHQ. But any such illusions were shattered on the freezing cold morning of Friday, January 31, 2003, as I read and re-read the most extraordinary email from Americas intelligence service, the National Security Agency. WebWe speak with a British whistleblower whose attempts to expose lies about the Iraq invasion was called "the most important and courageous leak" in history by acclaimed She said to me, Gavin, I had no problem doing the work that involved a lot of listening in, in order to give information about trade negotiations, to give our country the advantage of trade negotiations when they go. Enter Katharine Gun. And maybe if we went to work for Enron and we liked our job well enough, and its a job. EXCLUSIVE: Lanzarote sticks to its guns and insists it WILL limit tourists and move away from relying on Jeremy Clarkson is axed as Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? She made the point that if you have Helen Mirren playing the Queen or Meryl Streep playing Maggie Thatcher, everybody knows those people and your judged on how well you impersonate, if you will, those people. Daughters name is Yasar Gun dilemma was, a California-based husband-and-wife writing partnership who have with... 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