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14 March 2023 by

Do sleep medications increase your chances of dementia? I don't know if I want to do that. . There may be some things that you can't do in the moment. On the bottom left corner of the video, you should see a symbol of a gear for video settings. We provide the link to this third party's website solely as a convenience to you. So I think our society has just changed to the point where Heavenly Father, in order to continue to bless us with challenges has had to shift those challenges anymore. It reminds me when our oldest son was in Boy Scouts, back when the Church was doing Boy Scouts, and he had to pass his first class swim test, which I think was like he had to swim 50 yards or 100 yards or something. Well, I think your friends situation, you asked is that normal? You talk about how there was a study where these two researchers that researched resiliency, Connor and Davidson, they actually acknowledge the influence of spirituality on this emotional resilience and listed spiritual influences as the last of their main resilience factors. It says, "What if you find yourself nowhere close to the rod of iron? Becca Ekberg, a young adult from Sandy, Utah, recently completed the emotional resilience course and shared her experiences in a new Church video. ", And, and I've beenI'm a psychologist, and I've worked with people in these situations for years, and there's all kinds of books and references and resources and President Nelson said, the simplest statement, he said, "Teach them their identity and purpose. Other self-improvement manuals offered by the Church are titled Personal Finances, Starting and Growing My Business and Find a Better Job.. And it's like, "Yes, everyone is going through somethinga pandemic," and then plus some. The central part of all of this is the Savior and turning to our Savior throughout the whole course, Hagey said. So I love reframing that as you haven't done anything wrong, Heavenly Father's trying to bless you. You are about to access Constant Contacts ( Forgiveness: My Burden Was Made Light, What Shall a Man Give in Exchange for His Soul? Another 10 languages will be added in March. And Arthur Fonzarelli was the the coolest guy there. Is that going to cure my depression? You can read more from David on, and in his new book Enduring the Refiners Fire: Emotional Resilience for Latter-day Trials, which you can find on now. And so when I have days where I feel down and depressed and you know that I am not worthy or whatever, I try to remember that feeling. Perfectionism: Will I Ever Be Good Enough? He says, "I am garbage." Perfectionism: Will I Ever Be Good Enough? It is not unusual to feel overwhelmed by stress, anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues, said President Jean B. Bingham, Relief Society general president. Great first name, by the way. This is Heavenly Father's plan for us. The linked site has its own terms of use, privacy policies, and security practices that differ from those on our website. We are desperate to find him some help. Meeting virtually presents special challenges to maintaining full engagement, connection, and belonging. And you have a quote that I think applies to this. In Section 121 in the Doctrine and Covenants it talks about our confidence waxing strong in the presence of God. Download a photo or video by clicking or tapping on it. So I come home, I don't eat for five minutes, I do five push ups, and then I get on the scale and see what happened, and there's no change. Callings Volunteer and Serve Temples Family History. Elder and Sister Gong will be attending the brand-new event which will be full of motivation, entertainment, live music, food, and more. The videos, which are available for free on YouTube, feature strategies and techniques shared by mental health experts at UCSF, as well as some of our colleagues from around the nation. Other self-reliance programs offered by the Church are Personal Finances, Starting and Growing My Business, Find a Better Job and Education for Better Work., Learn more in the article Emotional Resilience Training Is Now Offered Globally., Your email address will not be published. So he's gonna throw some curveballs every once in a while. And I think a lot of that started with him facing that fear of doing that. For more information on the use of the name of the Church, go to our online Style Guide. . And I wish we could all just have a big giant meeting all of humanity, and just for once acknowledge"You're going to fail. I don't know what I'm doing here. So it's not a question of . And I think if we can view those things as building blocks towards, you know, a healthier self, then they don't become something that we just try to avoid altogether. And we know that about the chronic effects of stress, that stress and anxiety have a similar kind of physiological reaction in the body. You don't feel the Spirit, there's something wrong with you." And sobut he learned, he got swim lessons. The point is, if I engage in a healthy diet for a year and exercise regularly for a year, I'm probablyI'm very likely to see you know, positive changes in my health. The linked site has its own terms of use, privacy policies, and security practices that differ from those on our website. The group has developed a unique bond and closeness because of what we have shared and learned. I think I used an example in the book, which dates me from Happy Days. If, however, you are a mere mortal, this weeks episode is here to save the day. And then Heavenly Father will say, "Okay, you bet. And Woody says, "You're not garbage, you used to be garbage. About | Privacy Policy | Rights and Use | Advertise with LDS365 / Affiliate Program | Copyright 2006-2023 And so it just kind of goes back to what we were just talking about. 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. And so I think that's why we keep coming back to that. The Church recently launched a new self-reliance manual titled Emotional Resilience. Other self-reliance programs offered by the Church include Personal Finances, Starting and Growing My Business, Find a Better Job and Education for Better Work.. A couple from Ecuador laugh and stand in a workshop. This belief cast us as observers instead of actors in our life story. I reflect back on my education and my education at BYU culminated in 1999, with me walking across the stage of the Marriott center to get my degree. Not only are you going to fail, but you're going to fail a lot. Absolutely. And like you said earlier, here we are, literally in year three of this. Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles recently sat down with Ekberg to discuss her experience with the new emotional resilience course. And, and so I think that that's a very natural response is to wonder what somebody has done wrong. I mean, we are human beings living ahaving a spiritual experience here. Recent major natural disasters coupled with the onset of the pandemic has really affected a number of individuals of all ages in my region, added Harding. He was terrified the whole time. And I was soI was always like, "Okay, well, this will probably be over in two weeks." I mean, he's always, and then you say, "Now teach me how to hit that one." I bet we could do that." And I think that's why He just says, "Trust me." YouTube provides auto-translated captions in over 100 languages. Emotional resilience is a construct that has been studied by mental health researchers for decades. It was around this time two years ago that we first began to hear the word "Coronavirus" or "COVID." Yet as Connor and Davidson explored the outcomes of their research, they determined that one of the factors of resilience clearly aligned with the somewhat intangible concept." This is a dangerous deception. I think the biggest thing thats changed is my attitude about life, she said. And we sometimes wonder if we'll ever feel normal again. In the menu box, press Subtitles/CC and then select Auto-translate. Just because I realized it's okay to go through this.". There's, sometimes there's issues of worthiness, right? I know the Lord knew we needed the blessings found in the self-reliance groups at such a time as this.. Oftentimes we just think of blessings as very good, very immediate good things. This is All In, an LDS Living podcast where we ask the question, what does it really mean to be all in the gospel of Jesus Christ? Is there an online group, English speaking, that he could join? Perfectionism: Will I Ever Be Good Enough? Perhaps you have begun to wander along strange roads feeling lost, what can you do? "It'll probably be over in four weeks" because it significantly impacted my business as well. Manuals, videos and training may be downloaded from the Churchs website or viewed on the Gospel Library mobile app under Life Help. You're going to blow it time after time after time, and that's okay, because I've got this plan in place that's going to redeem you from that, you know, if you're repent and follow that process.". Style Guide Note:When reporting about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, please use the complete name of the Church in the first reference. As a reminder of what she learned, she still has a picture on her computer screen of the Savior talking to a woman at the well (John 4). . Sure. I think, you know, the example of the Rainy Day Parade, it's like, that could be something that brings somebody in a role that's in charge of parades, a lot of stress, and I think all of us have had these things come up over the last couple of years that invites stress into our lives. And the reason was, he's spending about 20% of his energy moving forward and 80% of his energy trying not to drown. It can be used in local self-reliance committee trainings or be reviewed individually. David T. Morgan is a licensed psychologist with over 20 years of experience in the mental health field. And I have every confidence that He's going to say, "That was fantastic. So what can I give you and still let you have the rest of that stuff?" Open the link to the video. Some of the videos for these 10 languages are accessible online. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. "How do I grow food and so that I can survive from day to day?". So I wondered, why was that important to you in the beginning of the book to talk about identity? But if it's something that's weak, you can't. It's going to make you stronger, and it's going to make you more like me in the long run.". Some rights reserved. And when we say negative affect, we just simply mean negative emotions. We need to do like Elder Bednar counsels and says, "Teach me how to hit curveballs." You talk in the book about several ways that people get in their own way of personal competence. I really appreciate that. Exercise Faith in Christ (My Foundation) And they're just beyond hope, and all of those things are just completely satanic, it's his deception, that somehow we've gotten beyond the Savior's grasp, and we aren't. It's 100 miles, you know, and when you think "Well, I can't run 100 miles," you probably can, it might take you 20 years to do it, but you can do that. That means to me that being all in means giving it everything. You are a child of Heavenly Father, which automatically infers potential and potential assistance and all those sorts of things. Emotional Resilience. "That makes Heavenly Father like do this to me, or this to happen to me." And I think if you lack confidence in that, I think one of the best things you can do is to pray your Heavenly Father and just say, "Heavenly Father, will you help me feel the way about myself that you feel about me?" The manual defines emotional resilienceas: The course was rolled out for testing programs at the end of 2020 at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and received tremendous feedback and interest. Serve. So I wondered, if we could kind of start outI thought it was interesting. And then kind of as a follow up to that, I mentioned this to you before we got on the line, but I have a friend who has struggled since she was in her late teens with anxiety, and specifically panic attacks, and recently kind of had a resurgence of these panic attacks, and she said that she felt like, as a result, she was shutting down and kind of trying not to feel anything. It just takes time to get through this stuff. And it's amazing, like those little wins, how much they can help build confidence. You are now leaving a website maintained by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. "If you believe you cannot change something, then your efforts to change will likely be less motivated than they otherwise could be. Press the gear symbol and a small menu box will appear. You can take out a wall here and there or chop away at the roof to try to destroy the house, but the best way to destroy a house is to remove the foundation. A new manual and videos are available for a course in emotional resilienceoffered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Developing healthy thinking patterns is one of many topics covered in Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience, a manual and course offered by Self-Reliance Services of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to help members and their friends adapt to challenges with courage and faith centered in the Savior. And I'll stand next to you the whole time, I'll hold your hand, whatever you want to do. Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience teaches gospel principles to strengthen you spiritually, while also developing healthy coping skills to meet lifes challenges and opportunities, said Bishop Grald Causs of the Presiding Bishopric. 2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. Am I Good Enough? You know, and the same thing with mental health. And that's when you start to see some of the physical health complications because of that. And again, just like we talked about before, we are going to have negative experiences, it's part of living in a fallen world. unless you can have parades in the rain, right? Scriptures: Triple Combination, D&C/PGP Translations, Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience, Emotional Resilience Training Is Now Offered Globally, Advertise with LDS365 / Affiliate Program, Read or download on the Gospel Library app under Life Help.. And then the Young Men's theme is: "I am a beloved Son of God, and he has a work for me to do." Such researchers have defined this concept as "individuals' ability to adapt to, and recover from disturbing events" or "personal qualities that enable one to thrive in the face of adversity.". And what happens sometimes is when we start to get stressed, then we say, "Oh, no, I'm stressed, I shouldn't be stressed." That's where we came from. To me it means to . Right. I have been significantly impacted for the better from this course and have been able to apply many of these principles in various circumstances in my life., The program taught me so much about myself, how to process my emotions in healthy ways, and how to create intentional habits that lead to better wellness, said Alyssa Free, a young adult from Holladay, Utah. YouTube provides auto-translated captions in over 100 languages. 2 Timothy 1:7. I don't need to be worried about the fact that I'm stressed about something.". And Elder Bednar, I'll misquote him here, but he said something like, "Sometimes we mistakenly believe that the absence of a load is kind of the preferred way through life," he said, "but that's not the case. You're sayingI'm going to deal with a little bit of this so I learn how to experience it, I learn how to deal with it. There's a temptation to avoid it altogether, because it's unpleasant to go through that. But he did a great job and now he's an amazing public speaker. Sundaythis last SundayI was in Young Women's, a meeting with our young woman's class. And then as He helps us along, we become better. One of the things sometimes I'll beI don't if "Criticized" is the right word, but when people will say, when I talk about mental health and the gospel, they'll say, "Well, don't just tell me to pray harder, and to read my scriptures more, because that's not a solution that doesn't, you know, that doesn't fix mental health, you need medication, you need therapy, and stuff like that.". . My Self-Reliance Group Exercise Faith in Christ (My Foundation) He is Building a Palace Mountains to Climb Grateful . The emotional resilience materials are currently available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Russian and other languages, with 10 additional languages forthcoming. So tenacity is importanttenacity, which is this idea of just keep going, when it gets difficult, you keep going. There's pockets of stressors that happen and sometimes it affects whole nations, but to affect the whole world is interesting. And that goes backSatan not only attacks our identity, he attacks our sense of purpose as well. And then those Young Men and Young Women statements we reviewed, both of them have statements of identity and purpose. And then we act. Usually, such feelings of helplessness come from repeated attempts to change while experiencing only limited progress. Your feelings are bound to happen, no matter what you do. The emotional resilience materials are currently available in English and many additional languages, including Spanish, Portuguese, French and Russian. And so like if I'm trying to lose weight, and my doctor suggests diet and exercise, I say "Fantastic." Please click the link in that emailto complete your free subscription. The Churchs Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience program is now available inEnglish,French,Portuguese,Russian, Spanish, German, Italian,Japanese,Korean,Chinese,Albanian, Czech,Danish,Dutch, and Hungarian. He has a bachelor's degree in psychology, a master's in counseling and guidance and a PhD in counseling psychology, all from Brigham Young University. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Get Church news and articles delivered right to your inbox. And so I just don't think that is something that should be ignored anytime we're struggling with anything emotionally, and trying to increase our emotional capacities to deal with things we need to involve the Lord in that process. And this isI'm sure, probably way too colloquial. It's going to involve some work on your part, and some effort and you're gonna have to learn a different batting stance and your arm might hurt as you learn how to, you know, do these different swings, but I will teach you how to hit curveballs.". And that's eventually what they ended up describing as these kind of spiritual influences. And he's like, "But then, it doesn't matter what it is, if you give it a little bit more time you end up loving it." The Churchs Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience program is now available in English, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. For the purpose of facilitating the class, full resources can be found at Some of the videos for these 10 languages are accessible online. It was, it was a bit of a tough time financially for us. But we need to . And now all that stuff is accessible to pretty much everyone. 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. We like things that are predictable, that we can deal with. Like a Broken Vessel (part 1) Teach me how to do this." "The material covered by the self-reliance course is extremely relevant for everybody today, especially our young people who are dealing with anxiety and stress, depression, trying to make life decisions, said Terry Dixon, Ekbergs bishop from Sandys Flat Iron Ward, a congregation for young single adults. You know, it didn't last the rest of my life, but I remember it. And so doubting in myself leads me to not want to do that. Doctrine and Covenants 6:36. You are about to access Constant Contacts ( I know the Lord knew we needed the blessings found in the self-reliance groups at such a time as this. Lori Harding, Welfare and Self-Reliance Services Manager. Just crushing it. As part of the course, participants learn gospel principles that help them come closer to Christ and learn to hear Him along the way. But I wondered, what difference would you say spirituality can make in somebody's emotional resilience? You can access the manual Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilienceas text or downloadable PDF. But he could never say he was wrong. And it says, "And then when the devil sends forth, his winds, his mighty winds, his shafts in the whirlwind," all those sorts of things, "He says then it will have no power over you, because of the foundation upon which you're built.". And I don't know how all that shakes out. The emotional resilience materials are currently available in English and many additional languages, including Spanish, Portuguese, French and Russian. Five different members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles made visits to members of the Church around the world and shared inspiring and hopeful messages. Show Notes:2:18- Pressed To Our Limits5:44- Attacks on Identity8:28- Observers or Actors?11:51- Roadblocks to Personal Competence14:46- Tenacity and Endurance19:16- Accepting Stress24:06- Tolerating Negative Affect26:47- Anxiety and Panic Attacks33:52- Embracing Change39:05- Spiritualitys Impact on Resilience43:08- Beyond Help With Spirituality?49:22- What Does It Mean To Be All In? Whether you are currently feeling overwhelmed or not, these are great skills to have in your arsenal. And I don'tI mean, at least in living memory, there's nothing that's affected us so globally. I did Washington Seminar through BYU when I was in school and so I was interning in Washington, DC. The manuals and videos are available as follows: Read or download online at And I think it's part of our Heavenly Father's intention for us, especially in 2022, because we have fewer other challenges than our ancestors did. Its a learning process for both facilitators and participants.. "We can often feel overwhelmed by stress, anxiety, depression, grief and other emotional challenges," President Bingham said in the video. The manuals will also be distributed in 10 other languages in the next several months. News. And you may not get an answer that moment, but I'm confident if you continually ask for that, if you're regularly ask for that, you are bound to have a tremendous spiritual experience where you feel Heavenly Father's love for you. English videos are posted here. Another 10 languages will be added in March. And so he said, "Okay, well, I'll try." And we certainly know people who are kind of stuck in that situation where they just feel like . And rigid thinking, we'll say, "Well, it's stinks in Orlando because it rains, you know, fairly frequently, and you can't have parades in the rain," . And that is what we're going to talk about together today. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The new content, "Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience," is part of Church's Self-Reliance Services training materials for Latter-day Saints and friends of the faith.Ten chapters cover topics such as building emotional resilience, developing . Required fields are marked *. To download media files, please first review and agree to the Terms of Use. And so you have a different place you belong up here on the counter, instead of in the garbage can. And so I would, I think it was Elder Holland, when he talked about years ago, when he did his "Like a Broken Vessel" talk, which was kind of the watershed talk on on mental health, probably one of the first times it's been addressed at depth in general conference, and the Church has dramatically increased its reach and resources for mental health, some awesome stuff in Gospel Library, and on the Church's website for mental health resources. Students also learn healthy coping skills to meet lifes challenges and opportunities. And after about 10 yards, he's completely gassed, he just can't go any further. Newsroom Events Broadcasts. If you are interested in contributing a video to our library, please contact us at [emailprotected]. So once we know what our purpose is, then we canthat can help us get moving forward. And I could say, "Well, clearly diet and exercise don't work because it's been a whole five minutes and five push ups later and I'm still the same." So they both built a house, but it was when the adversity came that you saw the true nature of that house. For Japanese videos, CLICK HERE. To download all photos or videos related to this article, select the links at the bottom of each section. Enter your email to receive updates on our LDS Living content, 2022 LDS Living A Division of Deseret Book Company, Apostles around the world: See where Church leaders traveled in February, Here are some of the Churchs widest-reaching welfare and self-reliance programs you may have never heard of, FamilySearch announces a new free RootsTech after-party event for young adults, The ability to adapt to emotional challenges with courage and faith centered in Jesus Christ., Helping yourself and others the best you can., Reaching out for additional help when needed.. Lori Harding, Welfare and Self-Reliance Services Manager, said of the new course, Recent major natural disasters coupled with the onset of the pandemic has really affected a number of individuals of all ages in my region . I don't know, you know, howI'm sure that the spirit is powerful enough to break through those things. Your email address will not be published. But one of the very first things that I thought was fascinating, is you talk about attacks on our identity. Other previously approved self-reliance courses include Personal Finances, Starting and Growing My Business, Education for Better Work, and Find a Better Job. Whereas these courses center on applying spiritual principles to more temporal needs, the new Emotional Resilience course focuses on fostering emotional and mental health. David Morgan has devoted a great deal of time to understanding practical ways we can develop emotional resilience in times of adversity and stress. Because so often, we have the opposite experience. Because it's funny that you said, you know, when you prayed and asked Heavenly Father to take this thing from you, because like I said, I've had these like health challenges. No able to attend meetings. Whether you are currently feeling overwhelmed or not, these are great skills to have in your arsenal. And again, you offer some roadblocks that keep people from developing tenacity, and I wondered if you could speak to a few of those. And then when we haveI think when we have an unstable self concept, and unstable sense of identity, which is basically like a shaky foundation, then you don't want a lot of motion upstairs either, right? And quite frankly, if we haven't learned our lesson by now, we probably won't learn it, I almost feel like going to Heavenly Father and saying, "Look, you can probably just take it now. About Us. We need to have a burden. It's okay to be wrong. We need to lose that idea that we are these kind of unworthy creatures. Perhaps you feel you have been deceived by those in the great and spacious building, and are inching your way toward that edifice? ", And it leads me to act proactively instead of just being acted upon. But now you are Bonnie's toy." Downloadable manuals and videos for the emotional resilience course are available at And she would say, "Well, what if it doesn't?" Church responds to members' mental health challenges with new self-reliance materials. Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience, Well it wasit was several years ago, President Nelson was in a training with General Authorities, it was back before he was president the Church, he was president of the Quorom of the 12 Apostles, and one of the brother and asked him, "How do we dealHow do we help people deal with pornography issues, because that's become such a serious problem in the church, and without the church? Right. She has an amazing spirit and amazing testimony. Strong in the Lord: emotional resilience, one. I have every confidence that 's! To wander along strange roads feeling lost, what can you do we 're going fail! Issues of worthiness, right that 's why he just says, `` you going... 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