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14 March 2023 by

Built to Last: The Secret that Enabled Roman Roads to Withstand the Passage of Time, Library in Stone: The Ica Stones of Professor Cabrera Part I, Two Sides to Every Story: The North American Martyrs Shrines and Indigenous/ Roman Catholic Relations, The Origins of the Faeries: Encoded in our Cultures Part I, Curse of the Buried Pearl: The Hunt for Ancient Treasures Part I, The Enigma of the Shugborough Inscription, Enduring Mystery Surrounds the Ancient Site of Puma Punku, New Discoveries at Tiwanaku & Puma Punku: The Lost Statue of Viracocha and Secret Rooms of Hidden Artifacts, Advanced Ancient Architecture of Puma Punku Site is Fully Recreated With 3D Printing, Ten Unsolved Ancient Archaeological Mysteries, Ancient Sacred Sites Triangularly Aligned by the Footsteps of the Gods,,,,,,,,,, The Awe-Inspiring Karnak Temple Complex and Vatican of Ancient Egypt, Ancient Egyptian Weapons: The Evolution of Warfare, The Cataclysm of Ra: Saving Humankind from Hathor Using Beer, Helicopter Hieroglyphs? If you can tell me how the Coral Castle was built in Florida, I will tell you how these stones were cut and placed. Watching a piece on this place on the History Channel even as we speak. Built by the Tiwanaku culture between A.D. 500 and 1000, the temple was restored and reused by the Inca between A.D. 1300 and 1570, and described by Spanish conquistadors as a "wondrous . So where does this leave us? A building that could easily be built from lazer guided cutters, and assembled as protective living quarters, later still discarded when no longer required, will be of great use to future space travellers, As I understand you found the river, it is very good. And Terry's proof of this claim, presumably? Dolomite is harder than granite. The conventional explanation for how the stones were worked says that they were first pounded with stone hammers to create depressions, then ground and polished smooth with sand and flat stones. We see our selves as educated yet are less educated than ever. I can remember how my heart hurt because I could not imagine life anywhere else. Prior to Herodotus, no one had presented a systematic, thorough study of the past, attempting to link events with how they shaped history. The general belief is that droughts and possibly civil unrest caused the inhabitants to seek refuge in the surrounding hills. Every decision we make is inspired by our vision to empower a community of individuals to come together to build a more conscious world. I don't buy the concrete theory either, because having worked extensively with concrete, I can tell you with certainty that those sharp edges will be quickly broken off, and also that it doesn't last like stone when exposed to the elements. One fact that is undeniable, however, is that the entire region and its people were important in the ancient world of South America. Unique Circular Format see more in less space. Oh yeah, on Mars. It is little wonder that Puma Punku continues to draw in curious minds with so many unanswered questions and alternative theories available to understanding its origins and creation. Herodotus felt that beneath the pyramids lay the remnants of other ancient civilizations. All i prophecied in the Bible. Puma Punku is a large site which expands across a distance exceeding the dimensions of two football fields. Dolomite is harder than granite. There is some evidence to support this suggestion. Why Did Christ Ride a Donkey on His Triumphant Entry? Even the Mayans state the world had been destroyed and rebuilt seven (?) Well the same works for the biggest players planets , solar systems, we spend all of our time in war or politics then the other time, reading, We should be more involved in space travel, how to manipulate time. All of the blocks are cut so that they interlock and fit together like a puzzle. ( Adwo /Adobe Stock). Different jobs were associated with different degrees of prestige. Legends state that the first inhabitants had supernatural powers and were able to move stones from the ground and carry them through the air using sounds. It still doesn't answer how these stones got there. Available at:, Lamoureux, A. Get instant access to free videos, helpful articles, and exclusive offers. The Zone of Silence: An Ancient Mystery of Old Mexico. Preserved paintings, coins, and a detailed description of the entire transportation process. Theirs was the dominant culture of the Lake Titicaca basin, with an empire covering vast amounts of area in present-day Bolivia, Peru, and Chile. What Are The Names of the Thieves Crucified With Christ. Amateur archaeological excavation and looting are believed to have occurred repeatedly over the centuries. I have read this article and watched a video at: The number of times advanced cultures and peoples have been wiped out, we will never know, the earth has simply been around far too long, and we (as our current society), have been around for a mere spec of this planets existence. Pumapunku, a name that means door of the puma, was a holy site started between 500 and 600 CE. And it would have been filled with people. All we have to go on are the magnificent stones that remain. Which was a direct link to our heavenly brothers and sisters called the Khyndaiskum (the heavenly nine huts people). Sorry, if that's youown it! Generally it is agreed that the large red sandstone blocks were quarried about 10 km (6.21 miles) away from Puma Punku and the smaller, more ornamental andesite was sourced about 90 km (55.92 miles) away on the shores of Lake Titicaca. Easily See 6017 Years of Biblical and World History Together! @GreenCrimson: Just what exactly was carbon dated? I belong to a tribal region in Meghalaya, INDIA (South East Asia). Interviews with modern day stonemasons have revealed that even with todays advanced technology, it would be extremely difficult to replicate the precision observed in the stones found at Puma Punku. Who among us has had an out of galaxy experience to make such an observation? This was followed with great interest all over Europe. (2018) Reconstructing ancient architecture at Tiwanaku, Bolivia: the potential and promise of 3D printing. Heritage Science . However, its design should be studied, and someday replicated by men to use in space exploration. Even today, the stonework of the temple is considered so precise that ancient alien enthusiasts, it was made by lasers and other extraterrestrial technologies., Lost Cities and Ancient Mysteries of South America. No, it is not, learning is the most important aspect of human survival. Theres been many branches of humans through out the past. Overall, argues Dunning, Puma Punku may not be a fantastic feat too great for humankind. To build a place like Puma Punku, there must have been significant planning and writing involved, but there is no record of any of this. Even if it's not that old, I simply can't understand why this site isn't the focus of a "moon-shot" level of intense study given it's totally obvious implications. The architecture found in the ruins astounds archaeologists and historians and has inspired advanced ancient civilization and ancient alien theories. Our sun and solar system is relatively young compared to some of the older, bigger suns and carbon based/water planets that we have found in the goldie locks zone ring of water carbon based life planets. Anyone who thinks there aren't trillions of life harbouring planets across the cosmosis a moron! Nobody did any sacrifices or warring with neighbors. One possibility is they represent the previously mentioned "gods". As if it happened as it is "now" and ignore conditions "then" while writing our histories. The more education you have the harder it becomes. Those issues don't matter - yet. The ruins of Puma Punku are one of four structures in the ancient city of Tiahuanaco. In the ancient city of Abydos, within the famed temple of Seti I, strange hieroglyphs were discovered on the ceiling. There are reasons we didn't find evidence of the earlier lost civilization until recently. In assembling the walls of Puma punku, each stone was finely cut to interlock with the surrounding stones and the blocks fit together like a puzzle, forming load-bearing joints without the use of mortar. What does someone needs to drag a huge monolith? "It is a pity that there is money for another new Mars rover ". Sandstone is a very soft stone, which just doesn't fit with what I've seen. One can not live in the past without looking into the future at what lies in front of mankind. Since these are not present, then the fortress was abandoned, and destroyed by whoever occupied this building. Where would they have possibly gotten that idea from? I went with Kanoo tours. One reason, Puma Punka!! With that in mind I really don't see why this is regarded by mainstream archaeologists as implausible. He got support of the town/king/whatever and built this place. Based on circumstantial evidences, it can be argued that Puma punku was never built by the Tiwanaku, but by a civilization that was more advanced. But no matter what propulsion they use they will need some energy source, be it nuclear, a star trek type powerful crystal. If ever there were a time to realize things are not always black or white, now is it! What's always fascinated me is why in the world you want to build such difficult works? Clearly, it last longer than what we build with. Why is there no one in the world who knows as much about electricity as Nikola Tesla did? There is a sunken courtyard lined with stones and adorned with carved heads. These maps show the coastline of South America, rivers, and even part of Antarctica, which was not thought to have been mapped until 1818. Note3: A clean pronounciation and syntax which is optimized to be concise and deal with abstract concepts.) Puma Punku is a beautiful and true wonder of the ancient world. The blocks were so precisely cut as to suggest the possibility of prefabrication and mass production, technologies far in advance of the Tiwanakus Inca successors hundreds of years later. A stone age civilization could not do this work. The smaller andesite blocks that were used for stone facing and carvings came from quarries within the Copacabana Peninsula about 90 kilometers away from across Lake Titicaca. The ruins of Puma Punku are one of four structures in the ancient city of Tiahuanaco. because most of you people are probably lonely and dont want to conform to society, for whatever insecurity. Ah, yesthanks for your contribution to our scientific discussion, Terry. Wikimedia CommonsThe Pumapunku archeological site. Anywhere where trees were cleared by humans, their seeds are constantly trying to take root again. It continues to be one of the worlds most mysterious ancient sites and is definitely worth exploring. As far as most are concerned, there is no way that the Andean people could have done this 2500 years ago. Some people don't believe that these maps could have been made without flying over these areas in the sky. rafken from The worlds my oyster on April 06, 2012: Very good hub. Even with modern-day technology and information, these structures defy logic and confound those who seek to solve the mysteries that lie within them. Our children can not make fire unless playing with matches or a lighter and we take them away. It has been said "we are condemned to rise, be knocked down and rise again". why is there no mention of gobleki tepe? The debate on Puma Punkus construction date and its builders continues. Stone walls uncovered by archaeologists at the Puma Punku, a UNESCO world heritage site. great page. Why, if i may pose a question, does the absence of any written word automatically denote that they are stupid or less intelligent than we are today? I'd like to mention that our people have erected megaliths and monoliths from the past which are thought to be impossible to be moved even by a 100 people. In some, the ashes of the dead person are deposited in cairns or cenotaphs. No tree has ever been seen growing that high up, in Bolivia or anywhere else. It's called KHOH RAMHAH (meaning khoh-basket and ramhah-giant). If Mother-Nature/God can react to cosmic events and mass extinctions then it may have realized the need for a super intelligent life form that could develop the technology to divert a large asteroid, defuse a super volcano or even reposition the orbit of the earth. Precisely cut H-shaped blocks at Puma Punku. Quoting Wikipedia proves nothing. We seek to retell the story of our beginnings. Unless it's anchored to the core of the earth. The word "Meghalaya" literally means the Abode of Clouds in Sanskrit and other Indic languages. FWIW: Aymara is the language of the lupihakes ("shining beings"). Sources include "Mystic Places" on World-Mysteries, as well as Ancient Aliens on the History Channel. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there existcountless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts thathave yet to be discovered and explained. What has changed is OUR ability to gather an retain knowledge. Every story and drawing passed down through the generations has some fact behind it. Something doesnt add up. The largest of the puma punku stone blocks is 7.81 meters long, 5.17 meters wide, averages 1.07 meters thick, and is estimated to weigh about 131 metric tons. their year has 364 other days. In closing those who use this hub or the internet in general to denigrate others are your typical bully/cowards huddled in their mother's basement using the anonymity of the internet to say things they would never have the courage to say in person. AtAncient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. Puma Punku, in turn, means "The Door of the Puma." How Long Was Joseph In Potiphars House? They found a scrole nex to the toom where was supposedly burried, : Talmud Jmmanuel by Judas Ischarioth and Billy Eduard Albert Meier, and this one: Celestial Teachings: The Emergence of the True Testament of Jmmanuel (Jesus) by James W. Deardorff, This was build by the sons of god, mention in Genesis Chapter 6 verse 1-4. It was once an earthen mound with carved red sandstone walls that would have shone in the sun. SO PLEASE DON'T ATTRIBUTE THESE ANCIENT STRUCTURES AS WORKS OF ALIENS OR ET'S. Amazing Bible Timeline with World History,,, Dunning applied logic to the mystery, suggesting that perhaps the Puma Punku blocks were not chiseled, but rather poured using concrete or some such similar material. Teotihuacn: City of the Gods or Ancient Spaceport? It takes very advanced equipment to do this. a german named posnansky spent several decades studying the site in the early 1900s, and came to the opinion that there had been assistance from extraterrestrials. What do you think their future explorers will think when they find them buried under thousands of years of moon dust? Required fields are marked *. Anyone can post whatever they want on it. If you look at them from above, they're simply squarish enclosures scattered about the area. How on earth do you move a stone 800 tons in weight form the quarry which is 10 miles away and to the site in the mountains? the only way to find out is to read the ancient buildings the truth lies. The bible is all true but we have interpreted it incorrectly. I know I my heart aches for missing my king and my people I loved so very much. -5 years im only 21. you can only be third person for so long. There's one instant i've heard one guy after a trek to the peak was later attacked by a few robbers. It grew and expanded as its people did, reflecting the increasing power of the civilization that built and rebuilt it over hundreds of years. Joan Veronica Robertson from Concepcion, Chile on June 25, 2012: Hi again! Good Hub. Until recently, due to the condition and placement of so many stones laid strewn across the landscape, there was really no way of seeing what Puma Punku may have looked like during its peak. Photo credit, Source: Wikipedia / Ancient Wisdom / Ancient Origins. One day a few years later one of the teachers recognized a painting I made in art class -- and said OH - you know Machu Pichu". Cherry picking the data Only the oddities Sceptical archaeology? We know it existed (I saw it many times), but in a short time the remains will disappear use due to corrosion. My intelligence an everyone else has been unchanged since we were 5 years old. Ever since she was a child Alicia has had a passion for writing and she has written Read More. We have western recorded history that pinned against the perspective of the lifespan of the plant, is comparable to mere seconds, the Japanese have old records, and if Sadam Hussein had not destroyed so much of the evidence of the Sumerian and Babylonian sites. If we do't have gravity right, the "Standard Model" will never find anti-gravity, like Ed Leedskalnin did. We'll need a time machine for that. The priest prays and the stone starts sliding or floating in the air and moves. They were designed and built by humans. In western Bolivia, a dramatic collection of stones, the remains of a vast temple complex, stand guard over an arid plane. @MdBilly the Milkyway Galaxy is 100,000 light years across. Or, maybe he just didn't ever find any students capable of fully learning what he knew, and the advanced techniques died when he did. Wikimedia CommonsPieces of Pumapunku that show the complex system by which the bricks were slotted together. The Pumapunku (Gateway of the Puma or Jaguar), a highly damaged pre-Columbian monument at the ancient archaeological site of Tiwanaku, Bolivia, has been reconstructed using 3D printed miniature models of architectural fragments. Extraordinary craftsmanship is displayed in the stones. are you serious ?? And we have just started looking for these building blocks of life with primative tools at mostly near by suns. Our unique blend of yoga, meditation, personal transformation, and alternative healing content is designed for those seeking to not just enhance their physical, spiritual, and intellectual capabilities, but to fuse them in the knowledge that the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. Use the same account and membership for TV, desktop, and all mobile devices. These may be stretches of the imagination, but places like Puma Punku were constructed somehow, and if it would be very difficult for us today to build a place like Puma Punku, then how did these ancient people accomplish it? Spanish Conquistadors and others who visited the site during the 16th and 17th centuries described it as a wondrous, though unfinished, building with gateways and windows carved from single blocks., Pumapunku displayed a level of craftsmanship that was largely unparalleled in the pre-Columbian New World, and its often considered the architectural peak of Andean lithic technology prior to the arrival of the Europeans. The megalithic stones that form these structures lie on a great plateau, and now investigators have found something else fascinating that lies below the pyramids. The houses of the elite, as well as the ceremonial centers, were built on the lake and surrounded by a moat. It is known that tunnels have been found inside the Akapana Pyramid, elongated skulls and strange metal alloys have been unearthed, and strange, very sophisticated stone pieces are still being uncovered at the sites. Of Seti I, strange hieroglyphs were discovered on the ceiling pity that there is for... 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