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Valea Viilor (German: Wurmloch) Evangelical Lutheran medieval fortified church, Saschiz (German: Keisd or Hnenburg) Evangelical Lutheran medieval fortified church, Viscri (German: Weisskirch) Evangelical Lutheran medieval fortified church, The Mongol invasion of 124142 devastated much of the Kingdom of Hungary. The Saxons became known as industrious, skilled craftspeople and smallholder farmers with their own language and culture, and they thrived here for centuries. Before their expulsion from communist Romania by communist and securist Romanian authorities, the Transylvanian Saxons formed distinct communities in their towns and villages, where they maintained their ethnic tradition characterised by specific customs, folklore, way of life, and distinctive clothing style (i.e. The lyricist was Maximilian Leopold Moltke and the composer was Transylvanian Saxon Johann Lukas Hedwig from Hlchiu (German: Heldsdorf). . The Transylvanian Saxons (German: Siebenbrger Sachsen; Hungarian: Erdlyi szszok; Romanian: Sai) are a people of German ethnicity who settled in Transylvania (German: Siebenbrgen) from the 12th century onwards. 5 5 In 1714, a personal union was established between Britain and the Electorate of Hanover in the Holy Roman Empire based on the . Rugeley Anglo-Saxon. mannerisms). Use the drop-down list to select a specific part of the site. The territory colonized by Germans covered an area of about 30,000km2 (10,000 sq. ( Mac / Adobe Stock) Transylvanian Fortified Churches as Heritage of Saxon Settlers . However, more than 70,000 Germans from Romania were arrested by the Soviet Army and sent to labour camps in contemporary Ukraine for alleged cooperation with Nazi Germany. aside from Luxembourg, also contemporary Netherlands and Belgium) and from modern day France as well. curiosity factor. Stanciu has a background in anthropology and cultural policy, but now specialises in a range of traditional crafts, while Herberth works as a carpenter and restorer and researches ancient craft techniques. Herberth, just like his ancestors would have, even brings raw wood by horse and cart from the local forest, which he says incurs far less waste and is more environmentally friendly. Almost all became Lutheran Protestants, with very few Calvinists, while other minor segments of the Transylvanian Saxon society remained staunchly Catholic (of Latin Rite, more specifically) or were converted to Catholicism later on. When people lived in small groups, they didn't need permanent surnames as we Their region was called the Szszfld (Hungarian: Saxon Lands) or Kirlyfld (Royal Lands). In February 1942 and May 1943, Germany concluded agreements with Hungary and Romania respectively, following which the Germans who were fit for military service, although they were either Hungarian citizens (in Northern Transylvania, entered the composition of the Hungarian state through the Second Vienna Award) or Romanian citizens (in Southern Transylvania, remaining part of Romania), could be incorporated into the regular German military units, into the Waffen-SS and into war-producing enterprises or into the Organisation Todt. You may also be interested in:The surprising story of the Basque languageA craft kept alive by 10 Swiss mastersAn ancient rite that could save Earth. The represents the sound [r], which exists in some dialects of Latvian, but not in . "Funken" fr einen Schmied), persnliche Merkmale (Adjektive die den Person krperlich Between 1978 to 1989, under the cash-strapped communist dictatorship of Nicolae Ceauescu, manySaxons were soldin a mutual government schemeto West Germany in exchange for cash. Romanian Saxon villages might be tiny, but the churches are mighty. She recently made a series of tote bags from recycled second-hand clothes for a collaborative art project. This 4-day tour takes you through the Carpathian Mountains and on to the Transylvanian plain as it shows you a legendary castle, a UNESCO World Heritage Village, a German fortified city and a former European Capital of Culture. (Bhlau Verlag, Kln), 1976. Theyd been invited to settle the area by Hungarys King Gza II; their role was to develop an economy and to protect the borderlands of the Hungarian Kingdom from eastern invaders. (default) detailed compact very compact clear. Building them was a shared community effort and worthy journey, but it hasnt been easy. Surnames are now important in identifying individuals and families over time. these personal identifiers became, Einige Forscher denken das die Bedeutungen von Nachnamen von wenigen Wert sind, Romania's significant German (Saxon) heritage is obvious in Southern Transylvania, home to hundreds of well-preserved Saxon towns and villages. Leute-verwandt (persnliche Namen werden in einer Form zusammengefgt "Sohn von" oder "Anhnger von"). Prof. Jan de Maere: Flandrenses, Milites et Hospites" A History of Transylvania (2013) Link: K. Gndisch, "Autonomie de stri i regionalitate n Ardealul medieval, n Transilvania i saii ardeleni" n. present-day Rmnicu Vlcea) and Piteti (German: Pitesk). The History of Transylvania and the Transylvania Saxons by Dr. Konrad Gndisch; Transylvanian Saxon surnames; Transylvanian placenames in different languages (Jerman) General site on the Transylvanian Saxons (Jerman) The most common names are Petru (11, 10.9%), Radu (8, 7.9%), and Stefan (8, 7.9%). Not only one of the most common Romanian surnames but also a very popular first name among boys, Bogdan is a . Two Seats), Mediasch und Schelk. After 1918 and the dissolution of Austria-Hungary, in the wake of the Treaty of Trianon (signed in 1920), Transylvania united with the Kingdom of Romania, after the Transylvanian Saxons also voted for the union with the Romanian kingdom in February 1919. Mehr Siebenbrgische Familiennamen extensive inner and outer walls and a fortified watch tower). "Siebenbrgische Zeitung". Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Well known Transylvanian Saxon politicians and administrative leaders include Michael Wei (former mayor of Braov/Kronstadt), Klaus Johannis (current President of Romania and former mayor of Sibiu/Hermannstadt), Iancu Sasul (i.e. The predominantly German-populated Hermannstadt was a noteworthy cultural center within Transylvania in the past, while Kronstadt (Braov) represented a vital political center for the Transylvanian Saxons. Die Schuster emigrated to West Germany in 1984 after being sold by the Romanian government to the West German state. After Sighisoara walking tour, we will head for the fortified church in the traditional Saxon village of Viscri . These names don't occur in the Keintzel-Schn book, however they are Meanwhile, the young couple teaches restoration skills such as traditional carpentry to local construction workers in the hope of saving traditional techniques and thus the communitys rich architectural heritage. Around 100,000 Germans fled before the Soviet Red Army, but Romania did not conduct the expulsion of Germans as did neighboring countries at war's end. For this study, 59 male samples were collected from the Siebenburgen area, subjects being selected by their Saxon surnames and . Such an attack would often stem from the Cumans, for example, or from the Pechenegs. ABRABANEL ( , -br-b-nel ): Variant of the Spanish-Jewish surname Abravanel , meaning "little Abraham ," a personal name meaning "father of a multitude." Isaac Abrabanel (1437-1508), was a Jewish scholar and statesman. My great aunt lived here for more than 70 years, said Zakel, who bought the house last year from a family member. Read More. [8] They are part of the Romanian Germans. (Although early Europeans did belong to various tribes This word in Romanian means 'bushy beard.'. Their native dialect, Transylvanian Saxon (endonym: Siweberjesch-Sksesch, German: Siebenbrgisch-Schsisch, Romanian: Dialectul ssesc) is close to Luxembourgish. After the fall of communism in 1989, around 90% of the Saxons who remained fled Transylvania within a few months. Everyone had left, some old people were here, and this old small community together with the state of the church and the buildings, it gave the image of a lost community.. (Familienanzeigen: Siebenbrgische Zeitung). The legal foundation of their settlement in southern, southeastern, and northeastern Transylvania was officially stipulated within the Diploma Andreanum (German: Der Goldener Freibrief der Siebenbrger Sachsen, English: The Golden Charter of the Transylvanian Saxons, Romanian: Carta de aur a sailor transilvneni) issued by King Andrew II of Hungary which allocated them the royal land (Romanian: Pmntul criesc or Pmntul regal) under local autonomy known as Knigsboden or Fundus Regius in Latin. Transylvanian Saxons adopted surnames a little later than in western Europe, starting in the 1500's. Although many surnames are also common in other German-speaking areas, there are some distinctions due to the Saxon dialect's pronunciation and vocabulary, and due to loan-words from other languages, primarily Hungarian and Latin. Thu 1 Oct 2009 15.30 EDT. Although his actions were ultimately rescinded, many Saxons began to see themselves as being a small minority opposed by nationalist Romanians and Hungarians. Saxons in Wallachia also settled in Rmnic (i.e. However, Bucharest owes to its German-born king, Carol I, much of the systematization and modernization that occurred during late 1800s early 1900s. THE RESTORATION OF THE TRANSYLVANIAN HUNGARIAN ARISTOCRATS. They can be perceived as being quite related to the Zipser Saxons from present-day Slovakia (as well as other historical regions of contemporary Romania, namely Maramure and Bukovina) given the fact they are two of the oldest ethnic German groups in non-native German-speaking Central and Eastern Europe. I cant explain this kind of attachment, Stanciu said. It also has a series of characters which are different than in standard German (i.e. [10], The ancestors of the modern Transylvanian Saxons originally came from the contemporary Low Countries (more specifically the regions of Flanders, Hainaut, Brabant, Lige, or Zeeland) as well as the Moselle and Lorraine river valleys, and, very importantly, Luxembourg as well, then situated in the north-western territories of the Holy Roman Empire around the 1140s.[11]. After the collapse of the Ceauescu regime in 1989 and the fall of the East German communist government, many of them continued to emigrate to unified Germany. The Hungarians, on the other hand, supported complete unification of Transylvania with the rest of Hungary. In 2011, Peters changed his surname to Espenhorst. [15] For several consecutive centuries, the main task of these medieval German-speaking settlers (as that of the Szeklers for example in the east of Transylvania) was to defend the southern, southeastern, and northeastern borders of the then Kingdom of Hungary against foreign invaders stemming most notably from Central Asia and even far East Asia (e.g. It is, therefore, very important to highlight the fact that not all Transylvanian Saxon settlers were German-speaking given the fact that they also stemmed from the contemporary Low Countries (i.e. Salt Anglo-Saxon, English. The initial phase of German settlement in Transylvania began in the mid and mid-late 12th century, with colonists travelling to and residing in what would later become known in standard German as Altland (i.e. Prejmer is the largest fortified church in southeastern Europe and among the most impressive Saxon citadels. werden. Familien-Namen (Fritz Keintzel-Schn), Editura Academiei Bucuresti sources for similar lists for other villages. In 1989, still 95,000 Saxons lived in Romania (approx. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed. Additionally, the surrounding areas of the present-day town of Sibiu/Hermannstadt (former European Capital of Culture in 2007 alongside Luxembourg City) were formed of marshlands in the High Middle Ages. The Transylvanian Saxons (German: Siebenbrger Sachsen; Transylvanian Saxon: Siweberjer Sksen[6][7] or simply Soxen, singularly Sox or Soax; Transylvanian Landler: Soxn or Soxisch; Romanian: Sai ardeleni, sai transilvneni/transilvani; Hungarian: erdlyi szszok) are a people of mainly German ethnicity (and overall Germanic origin; mostly Luxembourgish) who settled in Transylvania (Romanian: Transilvania, German: Siebenbrgen or Transsilvanien, Latin: Transsilvania, Septem Castra or Septem Castrensis, Medieval Latin: Trnsylvnia) in various waves, starting from the mid and mid-late 12th century until the mid 19th century. . Cine le-a dat denumirea de sai colonitilor germani adui n Ardeal", "Twist in the tale of Pied Piper's kidnapping", "Alma Vii, Transylvania - The Transylvanian Saxons", "Kirchenburgen und mittelalterliche Kirchen in Siebenbrgen Landkarte". Nonetheless, one of the consequences of the Reformation was the emergence of an almost perfect equivalence, in the Transylvanian context, of the terms Lutheran and Saxon, with the Lutheran Church in Transylvania being de facto a "Volkskirche", i.e. Its a lively event attended by throngs of locals. Christian Tell, former mayor of Bucharest. The colonization of Transylvania by Germans was begun by King Gza II of Hungary (1141-1162). Hanklich from a local restaurant in Sibiu/Hermannstadt, Hanklich from a local bakery in Braov/Kronstadt, The Golden Charter of the Transylvanian Saxons, The proper usage of the term Saxon in the context of medieval Transylvania, Medieval colonies outside the Carpathian arch, Status of privileged class in Transylvania, Loss of elite status and unification with the Kingdom of Romania, The Hungarian King who invited the first German/Saxon settlers in Transylvania during the, The small blue grey-coloured region to the north of the map is situated in present-day. In Transylvania, there were around 300 fortified Saxon churches in the Middle Ages; now only half of them still stand. Nowadays, organisations representing the Transylvanian Saxons exist in Romania, Germany, Austria, Canada, and the United States (in the latter case most notably 'Alliance of Transylvanian Saxons'). Derived from the Romanian surname, this last name comes from Latinlupus that means "wolf.". original holder of the name, there are, Neben den in der Heimat gewachsenen Nachnamen nimmt die Liste von The similarities with Luxembourgish are both in lexical nature and grammar nature. Upper part: the locator (with a special hat) receives the foundation charter from the landlord. In the process of fortifying the borders of the Kingdom of Hungary to the east, they were early on helped by the Teutonic Knights. Transylvanian Churchbooks. German borrowing of Jnos. job, eg. . These surnames with matrilineal roots are common in the historical region of Moldova. For centuries, the main tasks of the Transylvanian Saxons during the High Middle Ages were to protect the easternmost frontiers of the former Kingdom of Hungary against certain invading migratory Asiatic peoples, to bring more agriculture to the region, to instil Central European culture, enhance trade, and boost urbanisation and overall economic development. fixiert worden, und Leute haben manchmal ihren Namen gendert! Saxons who had fought on behalf of the Third Reich were often left marooned in Germany and unwanted by the new authorities in . Although the Hungarian control over Transylvania was defeated by Austrian and Imperial Russian forces in 1849, the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867 (German: Ausgleich) between Austria and Hungary in 1867 did not represent a positive transformation for the political rights of the Saxons. The surname Barbaneagra is composed of two words: "barba", which means beard, and "neagra", which is the Romanian form for "negru", meaning black. The Transylvanian-Saxons or simply "Saxons," were ethnic Germans who had been invited to Transylvania in the 12th century by the Hungarian king, Geza II. Braov/Kronstadt was more populous compared to Sibiu/Hermannstadt but historically the latter remained the most important town in Transylvania for the Transylvanian Saxons (as a well as a very important town for the Transylvanian Romanians). ara Oltului in Romanian, after the German name for the Olt river, or the old land as in a word for word translation from German) or Hermannstadt Provinz, based around the picturesque well preserved medieval town of Hermannstadt, today's Sibiu. This guy would be around 50% Transylvanian Saxon, right? The ALLIANCE OF TRANSYLVANIAN SAXONS, organized on 1 May 1895 in Cleveland as the Transylvanian Saxon Sick Benefit Society, is a national fraternal society with headquarters and 4 branches in Cleveland.Created by 27 men, George Sift, a machinist, served as the first president. For decades, the main . It was estimated that there are approximately 300 such villages with fortified churches built by the Saxons in Transylvania during the Middle Ages.[31]. know them. Throughout Transylvania, many Saxon homes remain empty, dusty and strewn with decaying personal belongings. After the end of World War I, on 8 January 1919, the representatives of the Transylvanian Saxons decided to support the unification of Transylvania with the Kingdom of Romania. The Sachsenheim Originally a house purchased by the Transylvanian Saxons Sick Benefits Society in 1907, the Sachsenheim underwent major renovations in 1910 and 1925. Barbaneagra. Old High German or Middle High German). About. Under the influence of Johannes Honterus, the great majority of the Transylvanian Saxons embraced the new creed of Martin Luther during the Protestant Reformation. Biertan fortified church (German: Birthlm) was the see of the Evangelical Lutheran Bishop in Transylvania between 1572 and 1867. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed. "sparks" for a smith), personal characteristics Welcome to Geni, home of the world's largest family tree. Structured data. You can visit the site to browse and explore issues of the Cleveland Siebenbrgisch-Amerikanisches Volksblatt, 1939-1954. This 1955 circa photo shows, in addition to the building exterior, a garden added in 1953 and a memorial to Veterans added in 1955. . Transylvanian Saxons The saga of a civilization in 4 parts: colonization, splendor, decline and today's touristic heritage Underdeveloped country seeking investors - this was the slogan of Eastern Europe after the fall of Communism. The coastal stretch from the Elbe to the . . During World War II, many disaffected Saxons sided with. The colonization continued until the end of the 13th century. In its early years, it included the territories of Hermannstadt, Leschkirch (Nocrich), and Gro-Schenk (Cincu), the areas that were colonized the earliest by ethnic Germans in the region. 'Hauptstuhl' means head/high seat and this one in particular was the most important administrative unit and centre of the Transylvanian Saxons throughout the passing of time, in cultural, religious, and political regards. Each person in a family might have a different descriptive identifier and those The Transylvanian Saxons (Siebenbrger Sachsen in German) indeed have a long and storied history, and over many centuries they left an indelible mark on the region. Of the 101 people, 55 had surnames (54.4%). Geni requires JavaScript! Liste von Ortschaften in . Siebenbrgisch-Schsischen Along with the largely Hungarian-Transylvanian nobility and the Szkelys, the Transylvanian Saxons were members of the Unio Trium Nationum (or 'Union of the Three Nations'), which was a charter signed in 1438. Fogg Germanic This surname appeared in Denmark during the time of the Vikings. Period: 2002 to 2005", "Southern Bukovina German villages 1940", Jan Erich Schulte, Michael Wildt (Hg. The rapid expansion of cities populated by the Saxons led to Transylvania being known in German as Siebenbrgen and Septem Castra or Septem Castrensis in Latin[d], referring to seven of the fortified towns (see Historical names of Transylvania), most likely: Other potential candidates for this list include: Other notable urban Saxon settlements include: In addition to fortifying their towns over the passing of time, the Transylvanian Saxons also had to fortify their villages by building their fortified churches (the Transylvanian Saxons were initially strongly Roman Catholic then Evangelical Lutheran after the Reformation). Important in identifying individuals and families over time a shared community effort worthy. 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