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b24 vs b17 range and payloadforgot to refrigerate unopened latanoprost

14 March 2023 by

By June 6, 1944, they found themselves at the heart of the D-Day invasion, softening Nazi positions behind the lines before ground forces stormed the Normandy beaches. And then, suddenly, the whole wing broke off. In early 1942, with the need for a purpose-built transport with better high-altitude performance and longer range than the Douglas C-47 Skytrain, the San Diego plant began sending B-24D models to Fort Worth for conversion into the C-87 transport. Accuracy was to be achieved with the Norden bombsight, developed and fielded in great secrecy during the 1930s. After the Fall of France the French orders were in most cases transferred to the United Kingdom. While aircrews tended to prefer the B-17, General Staff favored the B-24 and procured it in huge numbers for a wide variety of roles. Twelve thousand saw service with the USAAF, with a peak inventory in September 1944 of 6,043. As these aircraft normally returned to base once a formation had been established, a skeleton crew of two pilots, navigator, radio operator and one or two flare discharge operators were carried. The B-24D initially featured upper, belly and tail turrets, plus swiveling single guns in the waist and on either side of the nose. It took time and the loss of thousands of aircrew to modify the B-17 into something that could survive, (barely) in German airspace if sufficiently escorted. Over the next three years, B-24 squadrons deployed to all theaters of the war: African, European, China-Burma-India, the Anti-submarine Campaign, the Southwest Pacific Theater and the Pacific Theater. [13] For some time, newspapers had been requesting permission for a reporter to go on one of the missions. [citation needed] A new government plant was built in Tulsa, Oklahoma with Reconstruction Finance Corporation funds and leased to Douglas Aircraft for assembly of B-24s from Ford parts;[46] Douglas ultimately built a total of 962 of the D, E, H, and J models there. All Rights Reserved. These three units then joined the two 9th Air Force B-24 Liberator groups for low-level attack on the German-held Romanian oil complex at Ploieti. Lloyd H. Hughes, Maj. John L. Jerstad and Col. Addison E. Bakerwere killed in action. Dorr, Robert F. and Jon Lake. Though produced in smaller numbers than its partner the B-24 Liberator, the B-17, with superior high-altitude performance and greater resistance to battle damage, was the mainstay of the strategic bombing campaign. Please direct all other inquiries to militaryfactory AT gmail.com. 29th Apr 2007, 21:34. These narrow B-24 wings gave the plane speed and endurance but also vulnerability to damage. This wing was highly efficient allowing a relatively high airspeed and long range. For much of 1944, the B-24 was the predominant bomber of U.S. Strategic Air Forces (USSTAF) formerly the Eighth Air Force in the Combined Bomber Offensive against Germany, forming nearly half of its heavy bomber strength in the ETO prior to August and most of the Italian-based force. As early as 1942, it was recognized that the Liberator's handling and stability could be improved by the use of a single vertical fin. A B-24 could reach 290 miles per hour and carry a 5,000-pound bomb load for 1,700 miles, giving it a longer range, greater speed, and a bigger payload than its B-17 cousin." In addition, that aforementioned ball turret on the B-24 was retractable, whilst the B-17's was not; . In 1943, the model of Liberator considered by many the "definitive" version was introduced. In addition, 73 Liberators of various models that had force-landed on European airfields were recovered and 30 of them were repaired and used by the 45th Bomber Aviation Division. As a result, the mechanically supercharged Pratt & Whitney R-1830-33s were replaced with the turbo-supercharged R-1830s. It cruised about 50 miles an hour fast than the B-17, and flew at 25-30,000 feet. Earlier in the war, both the Luftwaffe and the Royal Air Force had abandoned daylight bombing raids because neither could sustain the losses suffered. This gave the B-24 a 35-percent higher wing loading. Since the aircraft had been designed to be a bomber that dropped its loads while airborne, the C-87's nose landing gear was not designed for landing with a heavy load, and frequently it collapsed from the stress. The seventh aircraft was used by Consolidated and the USAAC to test armor installations as well as self-sealing fuel tanks. machine guns with normal bomb load of 6,000 lbs. The U.S. Army Air Corps awarded a contract for the prototype XB-24 in March 1939, with the requirement that one example should be ready before the end of the year. [28] The B-24 was vital for missions of a radius less than 1,000mi (1,600km), in both the Atlantic and Pacific theaters where U.S. Navy PB4Y-1s and USAAF SB-24s took a heavy toll of enemy submarines and surface combatants and shipping. The Privateer had non-turbosupercharged engines for weight savings and optimal performance at low to medium patrol altitudes, and was visually distinguishable from the B-24 and PB4Y-1 by its longer fuselage, single tall vertical stabilizer (rather than a twin tail), two dorsal turrets, and teardrop-shaped waist gun blisters (similar in appearance to those on Consolidated's own PBY Catalina). [19] When France fell in 1940, their aircraft were re-directed to the RAF. In Eighth Air force combat configuration, the aircraft carried 8000lb (3600kg) of bombs. The bomber had disintegrated. Thus naval patrol often omitted top, belly and nose turrets. The Davis wing was also more susceptible to ice formation than contemporary designs, causing distortions of the aerofoil section and resulting in the loss of lift, with unpleasant experiences drawing such comments as, "The Davis wing won't hold enough ice to chill your drink". [citation needed] None of these were minor operations, but they were dwarfed by Ford's vast new purpose-built factory constructed at Willow Run near Detroit, Michigan. The C-87 was not always popular with the aircrews assigned to fly it. The USAAF transferred some aircraft to the RAAF, while the remainder would be delivered from the USA under Lend-Lease. The book. Cost: $276,000 Serial Number: 42-32076 PERFORMANCE Maximum speed: 300 mph. [40], Two squadrons of the South African Air Force (SAAF) also flew B-24s: 31 and 34 Squadrons under No 2 Wing SAAF based at Foggia, Italy. The XB-24 was then re-designated XB-24Bthese changes became standard on all B-24s built starting with the B-24C model. First flown on 29 December 1939, the Consolidated Aircraft Corporation's B-24 Liberator came along more than four years after the famous and popular Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress, and showed somewhat improved range and payload capabilities over the Fortress.Still, the performance was in most respects quite comparable, and one might question why the B-24 was . [7] With these difficulties in mind it is little wonder the ATC India China Division was the only unit in the Command to be combat decorated during WWII, having been awarded a Distinguished Unit Citation. Fortunately, this problem was eased in the summer of 1944, when North American, Douglas and Consolidated Aircraft at Fort Worth stopped making B-24s, leaving only the Consolidated plant in San Diego and the Ford plant in Willow Run. Over 5000 orders for this version were placed in 1945, but they were cancelled due to the end of the war. A heavily loaded B-24 was difficult to fly at speeds of less than 160mph (260 km/h). It carried a larger bomb load than the B-17, and. In the period between 7 November 1942 and 8 March 1943, the 44th Bomb Group lost 13 of its original 27 B-24s. While RAF Bomber Command did not use B-24s as strategic bombers over mainland North West Europe, No. Liberators were credited in full or in part with sinking 93 U-boats. The Liberators range proved invaluable in scouting and destroying German U-boats, creating safe passage for Allied transports and destroyers across Europe. II radar, which together with the Leigh light, gave them the ability to hunt U-boats by day and by night. No other American combat aircraft in history was produced on a larger scale. The 44th destroyed both of its assigned targets, but lost 11 of its 37 bombers and their crews. Colonel Leon W. Johnson, the 44th's commander, was awarded the Medal of Honor for his leadership, as was Col. John Riley "Killer" Kane, commander of the 98th Bomb Group. Updates? MEMORANDUM REPORT ON Boeing B-17E Airplane, A.C. No. Eighty minutes into their flight, German fighters swooped in, taking their toll on the B-24 squadrons. The success of the Mosquito as a pathfinder or tactical bomber is without challenge. In late June 1943, the three B-24 Liberator groups of the 8th Air Force were sent to North Africa on temporary duty with the 9th Air Force:[13] the 44th Bomb Group joined the 93rd and the 389th Bomb Groups. The conversion had a hinged cargo door at the nose eliminating transparent nose and large cargo doors installed in the waist area. A payload range diagram (also known as the elbow chart) illustrates the trade-off between payload and range. The Ninth Air Force moved to England in late 1943. Later D models were fitted with the retractable Sperry ball turret. [13] Of the 177 B-24s that were dispatched on this operation, 54 were lost.[13]. The Lib's gracefully tapered 100-foot Davis airfoil wing (compared to the B-17's 103-foot-span barn door of a wing) made the difference. The Americans persisted, however, at great cost in men and aircraft. The B-24 was rapidly phased out of U.S. service, although the PB4Y-2 Privateer maritime patrol derivative carried on in service with the U.S. Navy in the Korean War. That would make the total payload capability 134,000 lbs.! Hendrix figured that Germans understood it was easier to hit, and that it carried more bombs. The first Liberators in British service were ex-USAAF YB-24s converted to Liberator GR Is (USAAF designation: LB-30A). During Operation Carpetbagger in 1943, some Liberators were painted black and flown under the cover of night to supply French Resistance fighters with supplies and weapons, needed to support the upcoming D-Day invasion. Whole bomb formations had to drop their loads on the lead bombardiers command, and the inevitable small differences in timing and heading led to dispersed bomb patterns. Each of the B-24 factories was identified with a production code suffix: Consolidated/San Diego, CO; Consolidated/Fort Worth, CF; Ford/Willow Run, FO; North American, NT; and Douglas/Tulsa, DT. This increased firepower made the B-17 a formidable opponent for enemy fighters, particularly when flying in tightly stacked defensive formations for mutual protection. The flight engineer sat adjacent to the radio operator behind the pilots; he operated the upper gun turret (when fitted), located just behind the cockpit and in front of the wing. Your selected aircraft are compared in side-by-side arrangement below. Early Royal Air Force (RAF) Liberators were the first aircraft to routinely cross the Atlantic Ocean. The aircraft were all modified for logistic use in Montreal. As built, the XB-24 top speed was only 273mph instead of the specified 311mph. We develop laser weapon systems, radio frequency and other directed energy technologies for air, ground and sea platforms to provide an affordable countermeasure alternative. Hendrix claimed that a lightly loaded B-24 could out-turn a P-38 Lightning. Consolidated incorporated innovative features such as a tricycle landing gear and Davis wing. Job, Macarthur. Privacy Terms of Use EU and UK Data Protection Notice Cookies, http://www.hq.nasa.gov/pao/History/SP-468/ch5-3.htm, NASA. Post was the only reporter assigned to a B-24-equipped group, the 44th Bomb Group. The Lib had a larger bomb bay and a somewhat longer range. [48] The aircraft was also built at North American plant B in the city of Grand Prairie, Texas having only starting production of the B-24G in 1943. NOTES: Shapes below depict aircraft from wingtip-to-wingtip / nose-to-tail assuming aircraft are being viewed from overhead perspective (the nose pointing towards the top of the screen). The B-24D was the Liberator III in British service. The new design would be the first American heavy bomber in production to use tricycle landing gear the North American B-25 Mitchell medium bomber's predecessor, the NA-40 introduced this feature in January 1939 with the Consolidated Model 32 having long, thin wings with the efficient "Davis" high aspect ratio design (also used on the projected Model 31 twin-engined commercial flying boat)[17] promising to provide maximum fuel efficiency. Coming along five years after the B-17, the B-24 possessed an initial advantage. Armed with no less than 13 0.50-calibre machine guns, including two in a new chin turret for defense against head-on attack, the B-17G fairly bristled with machine guns. Thus the first six YB-24 were released for direct purchase under CAC contract # F-677 on 9 November 1940. [citation needed], In all, 18,482 B-24s were built by September 1945. Within weeks, the First Provisional Bombardment Group formed from the remnants of the Halverson and China detachments. One outcome of the British and French purchasing commissions was a backlog of orders amounting to $680m, of which $400m was foreign orders, US official statistics indicating tooling, plant and expansion advanced the previously anticipated volume of US aircraft production by up to a year. The maximum takeoff weight was one of the highest of the period. RAF Liberators were also operated as bombers from India by SEAC and would have been a part of Tiger Force if the war had continued. Navy PB4Y-1s assigned to Atlantic ASW and all Coast Guard PB4Y-1s had the ventral turret replaced by a retractable radome. In October 1944, two RAF Liberator squadrons (357 and 358) were deployed to Jessore India in support of British SAS, American OSS and French SIS underground operations throughout SE Asia. They also flew C-47s, Douglas A-26 Invaders, and British de Havilland Mosquitos. The Liberator carried a crew of up to ten. As soon as more dependable Douglas C-54 Skymaster and Curtiss-Wright C-46 Commando transports became available in large numbers, C-87s were rapidly phased out of combat zone service, with some later used as VIP transports or B-24 flight crew trainers. At its inception, the B-24 was a modern design featuring a highly efficient shoulder-mounted, high aspect ratio Davis wing. This wing was highly efficient allowing a relatively high airspeed and long range. The Singing Cowboy Gene Autry served in the Air Transport Command (in the same squadron as Barry Goldwater), and described flying the C-109 over "The Hump" as "the thrill that lasts a lifetime".[38]. Post and five other reporters of The New York Times were granted permission. [13] The 44th Bomb Group flew the first of its 344 combat missions against the Axis powers in World War II on 7 November 1942. [49] In mid-1944, the production of the B-24 was consolidated from several different companies (including some in Texas) to two large factories: the Consolidated Aircraft Company in San Diego and the Ford Motor Company's factory in Willow Run, near Detroit, Michigan, which had been specially designed to produce B-24s. [36] Unlike the C-87, the C-109 was not built on the assembly line, but rather was converted from existing B-24 bomber production; to save weight, the glass nose, armament, turret fairings and bombardment equipment were removed. The new Model 32 combined designer David R. Davis's wing, a high-efficiency airfoil design created by unorthodox means,[6] with the twin tail design from the Consolidated Model 31 flying boat, together on a new fuselage. These aircraft were redesignated LB-30A. In the event, the need to keep such tight defensive formations over Europe compromised the accuracy of the Norden bombsight, since individual bomb runs were not possible without breaking the formation. The C-87 flew in many theaters of war, including much hazardous duty in flights from Labrador to Greenland and Iceland in the North Atlantic. It was necessary when flying the B-24, to get "on step". Mission. When this mission was completed, it was recorded that 822,791 US gallons (3,114,264L) of 80 octane gasoline had been delivered to three different airfields in France and Belgium.[35]. Compared to the B-17, the proposed Model 32 had a shorter fuselage and 25% less wing area, but had a 6ft (1.8m) greater wingspan and a substantially larger carrying capacity, as well as a distinctive twin tail. It was known within the company as the Model 32, and some initial production aircraft were laid down as export models designated as various LB-30s, in the Land Bomber design category. The single fin was tested by Ford on a single B-24ST variant and an experimental XB-24K: it was found to improve handling. Also: B-24 has greater bombload and can cruise faster. Autry, Gene with Herskowitz, Mickey. Later versions started at 60,000lbs and by the end of the war, using special flying techniques that had been developed they were being flown at up to 67,000lbs. Early in the campaign, the C-87 was the only readily available American transport that could fly over the Himalayas while heavily loaded, rather than relying on circuitous and highly dangerous routes through valleys and mountain passes, but the type was not very popular with crews: they complained of various hazards including the fuel system, engines and cockpit accessories, while the type was notorious for leaking fuel tanks and mid-air fires a constant danger. The navigator and bombardier who could also double as a nose or wiggly ear gunners (guns mounted in the sides of the aircraft nose) sat in the nose, fronted on the pre-B-24H models with a well-framed "greenhouse" nose with some two dozen glazed panels and with two flexible ball-mounts built into it for forward defensive firepower using .30 caliber (7.62 mm) Browning M1919 machine guns. ", This page was last edited on 25 February 2023, at 18:00. One was written off due to battle damage and the other crash-landed on a beach. Hendrix did not permit smoking on his B-24, even though he was a smoker. In time the B-24 would boast a long, tapered wing atop its fuselage, which allowed impressive long-range cruising capabilities. It's crewmen claimed 2,600 enemy aircraft shot down. 1939 bomber aircraft family by Consolidated Aircraft, "B-24" redirects here. Early model Liberators were fitted with a top-mounted turret, a tail turret and single machine guns located in the waist and in the glazed nose. B-17 wing . The single fin did appear in production on the PB4Y Privateer derivative.[10][11][12]. Being on long-distance patrols, they generally flew outside the range of enemy fighters. The PLAAF had two B-24Ms captured from the Chinese Nationalists during the Chinese Civil War and operated until 1952. BOAC also flew trans-Atlantic services and other various long-range air transportation routes. Boeing B-17 Performance. 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