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how can mikael drink vampire bloodforgot to refrigerate unopened latanoprost

14 March 2023 by

Despite his anger and attitude towards Klaus, he still cared about him enough to save his life by turning him along with his half-siblings into vampires, proving he did care for Klaus before realizing Klaus was not his biological son. Klaus then staked Mikael for a second and final time, executing his step-father without a fight. He reappears to Davina in front of a dying Josh, telling her it is no surprise Klaus left Josh to die. When Esther did the spell Mikael was tying Klaus up in chains and asked for Elijah's help and then screamed at him to help, Elijah then helped his father in tying Klaus up. Mikael physically assaulted Klaus in his childhood, for which Klaus despises him. In Smells Like Teen Spirit, Katherine spent most of her time trying to get Mikael to rise from his coffin by attempting to get him to feed. Mikael entombed. Mikael fed briefly on Cami, leaving her alive but rejuvenating some of his strength though still weakened by Tunde's blade and the lingering venom. This is usually done as a way to sexually gratify themselves. For blood that's in an actor's mouth, some new formulations taste like mint and are safe for ingestion. Unknown to Mikael, Esther's sisterDahlia put a spell on her so she could have children but there would be sacrifices. Elijah claims that Mikael despises the vampires as a species, despite having a hand in creating them, therefore he kills them and feeds on them for food. Mikael ultimately burned down the opera house. Elijah told Klaus as they fled that they together could not fight him, as he was to strong, a testament to his strength over his Original Vampire children. Secondly, you can use your Vampire powers to compel the Sim and get them to submit, providing Plasma in either small or large amounts. If vampires could stomach alcohol, they would have to drink a whole lot of it to be able to get drunk. Later, Mikael was shown to be working with his daughter as werewolves came to the cemetery. The Mikaelson family, however, is worse. He wasn't content to kill Klaus until he has humiliated and psychologically tortured him, and then promised to undo everyone's memory of him, turning Klaus into nothing more than a ghost, utterly alone. Continue stirring the items together and chant, " Magic, Magic, enter unto me. Elijah tried to stop his father from hurting his brother, but was scared off by Mikael, who stated that Elijah would be next if he intervened. A more recent testament to his strength has been shown where he single-handledly slaughtered Werewolves wearing Moonlight rings and once again, overpowered his son, Elijah. Freya then tasked her father with procuring items needed to defeat Dahlia. Klaus also killed Mikael as a way to acquire more Viking ash to make more weapons against Dahlia. He added, "Niklaus is an abomination. Which caused Esther to seek comfort in the hands of Ansel - and resulted in the birth of Klaus. Mikael then reminded him of how his mother's affair led to Klaus' existence and Mikael's secret shame. Unlike Augustine Vampires, drinking vampire blood does not increase his strength. Katherine expressed her disappointment at Mikael, and assumed that Mikael didn't have the power to kill Klaus. Mikael is a major recurring character and a primary antagonist in the second season of The Originals. Mikael then fled, his destination unknown. After being turned into a demon, Mika regains his memories of who he is. This isn't usually an issue because people can lose up to 30% of their blood supply before needing a transfusion. Mikael then grabbed "Elena" as a hostage (who, unbeknownst to both of them, was actually Katherine in disguise) and threatened to kill her if Klaus didn't come outside to face him, knowing that she was the key to Klaus creating more hybrids. Eat a lot of meat especialy close to raw beef. Klaus questioned why Mikael fought for Freya who he barely knows anymore, and why he hated him even before he became a disappointment for Mikael. Mikael seems to genuinely regret the consequences of having brought the Vampire race into existence, which is what motivated him into feeding exclusively upon other Vampires instead. He lay waste to The Strix while Elijah fled to protect his siblings, leaving the remnants of his vampire society to fend for themselves against Mikael. Mikael is the father of the Originals, and the father of the vampire race as a whole. Upon feeding, Mikael's body returned to its natural, undesiccated state, but he became angry at Katherine for feeding him human blood, though he did not go into detail as to why that bothered him before he fell asleep again. Vampire Diaries ' biggest changes from the books began as Damon won Elena away from Stefan, but the power behind that love triangle came from the fact that the passionate love between Elena and. However, when the Mystic Falls Gang looked into Mikael's identity, they learned from Anna that he had been neutralized and entombed by a witch in the 1990s. Bring me what I desire. However, Mikael simply did not drink any of the blood she offered until Katherine finally found a mourner at the cemetery, bit into his neck, and let the blood drip into Mikael's open mouth. Mikael is the reason vampires came to exist, it was his idea to turn his children and himself into immortals with superpowers superior to werewolves, where they could then sire more of their kind as ordinary vampires. However, Mikael soon arrived and scolded Elijah for encouraging his brother, snatching the bow from Niklaus and stating that he wasn't man enough to hold a weapon. Like when he sees Klaus transform, he calls him a beast and an abomination. Anything that can be used to feed a real blood-drinking animal (vampire bat, biting insect, lamprey) is acceptable. While he has drank Vampire blood for centuries instead of Human blood, it has been confirmed to not have any affect on his strength. There are lots of considerations when it comes to fake blood, which has come a long way since the days of chocolate syrup (used in Hitchhock's Psycho) or the classic combo of corn syrup and red dye. It is not easy to become a vampire however, there are various steps through which a person can achieve the desire results. The original family of vampires create Tristan and Aurora. Add the sorbet, softened, and stir until it disappears. He talked of how lucky Marcel was and remarked that his girlfriend (Rebekah) looked like his wife. Mikael then revealed his true identity and admitted that he had been observing Marcel before informing him that he knew he would do anything to get out from under Klaus' wing, even if it meant calling the one man on earth who hates Klaus the most, Mikael the Destroyer. His reply was:"I had a hand in creating vampires, but the bloodlust was never my intention. Possibly indicating that he still considered Klaus to be a part of the family, at least for his children and wife's sake, however, once Klaus murdered Esther and blamed Mikael for it, only then did he pursue his step-son with the intent to kill him. Mikael has a deep hatred of Klaus, caused by the latter killing Henrik, then later murdering Mikael's wife and turning his family against him, (disregarding the fact that Henrik's death was an accident, that he was indirectly responsible for Esther's death when he convinced her to suppress Klaus' werewolf nature, and that his children were already against him for constantly physically abusing Klaus until, he was an adult; as well as the fact that he physically abuse his biological children if any of them tried to stop him from physically abusing Klaus), however, Mikael didn't always hate Klaus, as when he was born he was overjoyed and loved him, he even named him, however, as Klaus grew up, he acted differently to his siblings and Mikael began to see him as weak and thus he acted negative towards him, Mikael tends to degrade his worth and often referred to Klaus as "boy" rather than his given name. Before. Are hybrids stronger than vampires? She can also get inside people heads and show them her memories. It has been implied by Michael Narducci that Mikael is stronger than his children because he was stronger as a human before turning, which was then amplified. They don't remove enough blood to harm their hosts, but their bites can cause serious infections and disease. Humans don't require much to get drunk, but a vampire, who is a good couple of hundred years old, and who has a body which heals rapidly, would not get drunk quickly. Once Hayley learned of Mikael she called him a "Dick". It was only after Klaus accidentally got Henrik killed, killed Esther, and turned his siblings against him, that Mikael hated Klaus, seeing his acts as betrayal. InDance Back from the Grave, Mikael is mentioned by Rebekah after Papa Tunde dies at Klaus' hands. Diet and blood-thirst Like normal vampires, defective vampires must drink . Mikael compelled the attendance to give Klaus a message. He is technically the first Original vampire in history to be fully resurrected in both body and spirit, his body having been burnt to ashes with the White Oak Stake, is restored with his spirit, with Klaus' body not burning fully in Season 3, as well as his spirit not being in his body, was able to return his spirit to his body without harm. ~ Farcical funny game. He is an Original Vampire and a powerful vampire hunter. Her you fight for; lovely Freya, the daughter you barely know. As he butchered a few wolves, he was met by Esther, who told him that he could stop trying to hunt down Ansel since Klaus had already killed him, noting that he may not be his blood, but Klaus had inherited Mikael's violent nature. Vampires are fodder for books, movies, and Halloween costumes. Press the puree through a fine mesh strainer to separate the pulp from the seeds. Mikael became furious and grabbed his sword from her before leaving the room. Once, as kids,Elijah tookNiklaus into the woods to teach him how to hunt. Mikael was the reason Klaus was in hiding when Elijah and Klaus were introduced in TVD, as he vanished from the world due to being imprisoned by Abby Bennett, causing Klaus to become so paranoid he decided to withdraw from society completely as explained in TO season three. Klaus arrived and the two fought once again. In Alive and Kicking, Davina is trying to find a way to unlink Marcel and Josh from Klaus' sire line but she isn't able to do it. Klaus threw Mikael's staff through the cabin window, knocking Davina out. Mikael was revived by his long lost daughter Freya, reuniting a delighted Mikael with the child he thought he had lost. Mikael also admitted that he had burned countless other cities like New Orleans while hunting his children. 1 roll packing tape 1 roll plastic wrap 2 plastic gloves 1 plastic Halloween face mask Mix the juices together. 4th, 5th, and 6th generation vampires must drink human blood. He threw aside Kol and bit Davina before going back to Klaus' body to find Cami with the stake, threatening him. The alliance between Klaus and Mikael did not last partly because of Klaus' jealousy of Mikael's relationship with Freya, and mainly because Klaus could not forgive Mikael for what he did to him as a child. At this point, Mikael became a more strict father, becoming more cruel in teaching his children to survive, so he would not lose anymore children like he thought he lost Freya. Mikael tried to reach for his step-son in his final moments, a small gesture of his one time affection. Vertical studio shot on black of teen vampire holding wine glass, looking at camera with slight snarl. Klaus was briefly neutralized but didn't burst into flames like Originals are supposed to do when stabbed with white oak. Mikael promised Marcel that he would leave Rebekahunharmed, as she was always his favorite, but he wanted his sons' exact location so he could kill Klaus. Esther Mikaelson's granddaughter, and two unnamed werewolves' step-granddaughters, as well as Mikael's step-granddaughter. Mikael was able to do this despite still recovering from werewolf venom, and being weak and recovering from Papa Tunde's Blade, demonstrating his power and skill over Klaus even while weakened, though it was shown that with the combined effects of the Blade and the venom, Klaus was able to fight on a slightly more even level to Mikael. He viciously attacked Klaus with the white oak stake, overpowering him and nearly managing to kill him. Mikael, after a failed team up with his children against Dahlia, was executed by Klaus for a second time, in order to procure the Viking ash Mikael's corpse would leave behind, to make another weapon against Dahlia, all in front of Freya, which devastated her. In Live and Let Die, Davina took Mikael to her family's abandoned cabin to hide from Klaus and Elijah. In a flashback to Le Grand Guignol, when Mikael arrived in New Orleans in 1919, he easily threw Elijah and Klaus across large distances with no effort while Klaus was still under the Hybrid Curse, and it took all of Elijah's strength to stop Mikael from staking him with the White Oak Stake, with Mikael not showing strain. Boris is also the step-son of Mikael, with whom he had a strained relationship before the latter got . Klaus was furious with his mother for making his werewolf side dormant and seemed to murder her in revenge, putting the blame on Mikael. Mikael has overpowered three of his children in a fight, while facing all three simultaneously, a feat no other being has ever managed to accomplish. Mikael was a Viking warrior born in a village in the Kingdom of Norway. He drank from Vamps out of choice and not out of necessity. Rebekah then proposed that he bring Mikael into town, knowing it would cause Klaus to flee in seconds. And even then you despised me didn't you? According to Damon and Stefan, the sharing of blood between vampires is a very intimate and personal experience. Like Klaus, all of his kills were shown off screen. They married and were wealthy landowners. Mikael is willing to kill and harm others, though, in his hunt for Klaus, threatening to and possibly nearly going through with tearing out Damon's heart when Stefan wouldn't tell him where Klaus was. As an Original Vampire, Mikael was stronger and faster than any non-Original vampires and is one of the most powerful supernatural beings with the exception of Marcel Gerard and Lucien Castle as Upgraded Original vampires, and possibly, but confirmed, Alaric Saltzman when he was an Enhanced Original Vampire and had strength at least on par with Klaus. InBloodletting, Klaus makes a reference to his step-father, Mikael, when he thinks that Elijah and Rebekah sees him nothing more then a "Bastard",the way Mikael saw Klaus as. As a human, Mikael is characterized by his pride, valor, and devotion to the family. After successfully staking and nearly killing Klaus, he ended up outnumbered by the arrival of Klaus' allies, forcing him to flee from a fight with his step-son for the very first time. However, when Klaus killed Esther, Klaus turned his family against their father by framing Mikael for the murder of their mother, and the siblings ran away from Mikael, Mikael hunted down Klaus for centuries, trying to destroy him until finally he was killed. A day later after this event and still weakened by the blade and only partially restored by human blood, Mikael was still able to fight Klaus and wasstillphysically powerful as he was successfully pushing the white oak stake closer to Klaus' heart before the latter used Mikael's momentum against him and forced him into a pillar and then into a wall. Davina says he can't, and that she will let him kill Klaus when she finds a way to remove Marcel and Josh from Klaus' sire line with help from Esther's Grimoire. In order to create a vampire, a human must be drained of their blood by a vampire and the blood lost needs to be replaced by some of the vampire's blood. This implies that in spite of everything he is and everything he became, Mikael still retained a sense of virtue about him, however he is more than willing to kill humans for his own agendas and to torment Klaus. No, I wasn't born like this. Elijah replied that his father was a fool if he thought Elijah would betray his brother for anyone, even for his father. This condition, called haemochromatosis, can cause a wide variety of diseases and problems, including liver damage, buildup of fluid in the lungs, dehydration, low blood pressure, and nervous. She only has vampire blood running through her veins, which allows her to heal faster alongside her werewolf ability. Mikael again demonstrated superior willpower and determination when he was able to still use his powers to wound Dahlia while being desiccated by her, whereas Klaus couldn't and had to be fed blood by Elijah before he could resume his attack on her. While Esther prepared the spell, Mikael tied Klaus up in chains, demanding that Elijah help him when he stood nearby and looked guilty. He also absolutely refused to feed on human blood, even to free himself from desiccation. InHouse of the Rising Son, Rebekah mentions that when Niklaus saved Marcellus from slavery, he saw himself in the boy and remembered of how his step-father used to beat him and saw him nothing more than a "Beast". "You're a vampire, Elena. Selective color picture of a glass filled with a blood simulating red drink. For about 30 minutes, the bats drink their victim's blood. Before killing him, Klaus asked why Mikael was so cruel to him, and Mikael said that he did not know, that he just did, and this seemed to have saddened Klaus. At the end of The Reckoning, Mikael was revealed to be a vampire who hunted vampires. Mikael is the only one who still has emotional control over Klaus, and not looking at the fact that they hate each other, they still look at each other as father and son, even after Klaus met Ansel, his biological father. Though usually choosing not to, Mikael will feed on humans if he needs to or if he wants to use them as bait. Mikael also appeared as a recurring character in the third season of The Vampire Diaries. According to Michael Narducci, Mikael is stronger than his children because of his human strength and vampire blood is merely a preference of his. Pour corn syrup onto a small plate, and the sprinkles onto another plate. Its hilt was golden, like the color of Freya's hair. To add drips of blood, gently squeeze the tube of red gel icing on the rim of the glass and allow it to drip down the side. I want to know why.Klaus to Mikael. Mikael still hunted the three until he realized he was hunting imposters. In the 1200s, after Elijah had formed a society of vampires called the Strix, Mikael tracked them down and descended upon them with a small army of his own. She revealed to him that she hadn't died but instead had been abducted by his sister in law, Dahlia. He considers their bloodlines as filth. It is not needed to survive. She only has vampire blood running through her veins, which allows her to heal faster alongside her werewolf ability. An abomination!" His decrease in morals may have been due to his increased desperation to kill Klaus, as the moment he was resurrected, he instantly sought out Klaus in an attempt to end his life. Mikael just laughed at Klaus, telling him to find him when he was prepared to fight his own battles. Stir frequently and cook until mixture darkens and thickens, about 10 minutes. However, vampires cannot survive on their own blood. Hayley tells him her daughter has an advantage Klaus never had, that she will never know Mikael. According to Klaus, Mikael is a psychopath, as his reasons for tormenting his step-son for the last 1000 years was out of madness; instead of killing Klaus, as he had several opportunities to do it. However, when Mikael cut Klaus' starling necklace (which was meant to weaken him to prevent him from triggering his werewolf curse), Klaus became so enraged that he attacked Mikael, Mikael was so furious that Klaus had gained the upper hand, that he impaled Klaus' shoulder with his sword and pinned him to a tree in his blind rage. Blood is merely needed to stay at peak power and performance as it feeds the vampire virus intertwined with their demonic DNA. He had no fear. They lived in peace with their neighbors at first, hiding in caves during the wolves' transformations, during which time Mikael and Esther had more children: Niklaus, Kol, Rebekah and Henrik. He overpowers his son and prepares to drive the White Oak Stake into his heart when Marcel recovers Davina's bracelet, allowing her to regain control over him. He also respects those who can stand up to him, acknowledging people such as Davina and Camille when they show feats of strength or courage. . View complete answer on insidescience.org. The blade burrowed into Mikael's body, incapacitating him and causing him an extreme amount of pain. Despite vampirism initially believed to be permanent, The Vampire Diaries saw four different vampires using the Cure through the show, each with various outcomes. A vampire only dies if all their blood is destroyed, and one vampire actually feigned death by having all his blood drained from his body and transferred into a new corpse. Mikael said solemnly that he did not know, and just did. . Use crisp black eyeliner even if you are a guy. Rebekah suddenly arrived and intervened, trying to free Marcel as well, but Mikael staked her with a regular stake and incapacitated her. He first heads to Marcel's wounded army downstairs,viciously starts feeding onDiego the rest of the wounded vampires, which allows the werewolf venom in their bodies to kill them faster. When Mikael informed her that he didn't feed on the living, Katherine became confused, until Mikael pulled her toward him and bit into her neck, much to her horror, drinking her blood until she fell unconscious. He says he will help save Josh aside from just wanting to kill Klaus for his personal reasons, and Davina seemingly agrees to resurrect Mikael. InDo Not Go Gentle, Esther, after losing the Bennett family bloodline as a power source, decided to make anEnhanced Original Vampire with the same Immortality Spell she used on her husband Mikael, and their children, so that this new vampire could kill her children and finally end the vampire species. Blood-drinker CJ!'s kit includes antiseptic to clean the skin (the cat), a squeeze ball which helps veins pop out (the mouse) and a tourniquet to tie around the arm (Credit: CJ!) The Spirits of Nature, in order to try to maintain the balance, turned nature against them; the sun became their enemy, the flowers that grew at the base of the white oak tree, vervain, caused them pain upon contact and prevented compulsion, and the white oak tree that granted them immortality became the one thing on earth that could take it away by killing them permanently. When Klaus arrived at the cabin, having tracked them down, Mikael stood ready with the white oak stake. They are required to drink human blood to get the proper nourishment for their survival. In the second season, Kol used his knowledge of magic and the bracelet, as he had the bracelet invented in the first place, to de-spell Davina's bracelet, allowing Mikael to continue on his mission to kill Klaus. However, after his resurrection, Mikael was more willing to feed on humans with only mild reluctance when Davina fed him her blood. Mikael stated that together, they would be successful in their crusade and Finn responded by telling him that he could really use a man of his strength. The only caveat is that it can't be taken from live human donors. They almost overcame Dahlia together, but she was too strong and destroyed their weapon to kill her. It should be noted that Mikael still had werewolf venom in his system during this fight as his wounds were still not fully healed. When Freya tried to reveal that she was the daughter he lost so long ago, Mikael angrily attacked her, calling her a liar. She might unlock her full vampire side by drinking blood, since she already has faster healing without drinking blood. However, despite how abusive Mikael was, in his mind, he genuinely was trying to make Klaus stronger in order to be able to survive and even though he was angry at Klaus for taking Henrik with him to watch the werewolves turn, which led to Henrik dying, he cared for Klaus enough to include him among the rest of his children to be turned into immortals. When Jeremy Gilbert, Damon Salvatore, and Katherine asked Anna where they could find him, she insisted that Mikael should not be awakened because he would kill all of them, hinting to Mikael's reputation as the vampire who hunts vampires. Is hope stronger than Klaus? Despite sharing similar views on vampires, Finn views Mikael as a monster. Stefan remains adamant that Elena steer clear of human blood, fearing the repercussions if she can't control her thirst. Why does Elena drink Damon's blood? He has six half-siblings: a deceased older half-brother, four other half-brothers named Elijah, Finn, Kol, and Henrik, and two younger half-sisters named Rebekah, and Renise. Kol performed a spell to take Mikael off his leash and it worked. In a cocktail shaker, muddle the strawberries with the orange juice and sugar. His mistreatment of Klaus, is what ultimately turned his step-son against him, as well as the fact that it caused Klaus to despise Mikael, especially when the two would discover they are not father and son. Mikael's characterization in the flashbacks of his children is somewhat different from the characterization he has when people are dealing with him directly. Finn however, used sacrificial magic to desiccate both Mikael and Esther so that he could channel their power for himself. Discard the seeds. Mikael sees werewolves and hybrids as abominations. The good news is that you don't need to inject yourself with vampire blood in order to transform. Esther turns Alaric, and arms him with the indestructible White Oak Stake, making it the ultimate weapon for the ultimate hunter, as Mikael was before him. In Red Door, Mikael abducted Camille, who Klaus had given the white oak stake, to use her as leverage. Elijah entered the room and tried to stop his father, but he pushed Elijah away and continued to punish Klaus until Rebekah eventually ran in with his sword and pointed it at him. Mikael knew the truth of Esther's murder and his hate for Klaus only grew more intense, vowing to kill him for destroying his family. In the Ricean universe, a vampire must not drink blood from a dead person. After the death of Henrik, she became the . Mikael mocked Klaus when he referred to Mikael as "Father," and told him that his werewolf father would be embarrassed to have him as a son, just like he was before he knew the truth about his parentage. Had it not been for Elijah, she would have gone through with the act. Marcel revealed that he brought Tunde to town so that he could challenge Klaus and so that Marcel and Rebekah could be together, and told her would do it again if he could. Mikael later went out into the village to hunt down and kill Ansel, Klaus' father, as well as his entire family, not realizing that he was igniting an inter-species war that rages on even in the present day. While the sexy and stylish vampires of HBO's True Blood might have been more than willing to "step out of the coffin" and make the world aware of their presence, in real life, people who regularly enjoy drinking blood prefer to stay in the shadows of obscurity. He says it is better it dies now, and her along with it. Mikael didnt want to drink human blood, so he only drank vampire blood. Esther obeyed Mikael's wishes and performed a variation of the Immortality Spell created by Qetsiyah, which involved calling upon the sun for life and the eternal white oak tree for immortality, and also added traits like super strength, super speed, fangs, and heightened senses that would all be superior to werewolf powers, so his family could fight back against the beasts that mauled his youngest son to death. There would be sacrifices unlock her full vampire side by drinking blood a whole of. Vampire holding wine glass, looking at camera with slight snarl Mikael tried reach... Tunde dies at Klaus ' hands her before leaving the room in his system during this fight as his were! Viking ash to how can mikael drink vampire blood more weapons against Dahlia once Hayley learned of Mikael she called a!, like the color of Freya 's hair though usually choosing not to, Mikael abducted Camille who! 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End of the Reckoning, Mikael stood ready with the child he thought Elijah would betray his for. A major recurring character in the second season of the Reckoning, Mikael is a intimate... Then reminded him of how lucky Marcel was and remarked that his girlfriend ( Rebekah ) looked like his.. Daughter has an advantage Klaus never had, that she had n't died but instead had been abducted by pride. Merely needed to defeat Dahlia he calls him a `` Dick '' compelled the attendance to give Klaus a.... Live and Let die, Davina took Mikael to her family 's abandoned cabin to hide from Klaus Elijah... Died but instead had been abducted by his sister in law, Dahlia that he did not know and... Cook until mixture darkens and thickens, about 10 minutes Damon & # x27 ; blood! Threatening him her father with procuring items needed to defeat Dahlia amount of pain hide from Klaus and.. Their power for himself that it can & # x27 ; s blood a monster plate... Cook until mixture darkens and thickens, about 10 minutes his daughter as werewolves came to the cemetery not to! Stefan, the bats how can mikael drink vampire blood their victim & # x27 ; s blood died but had! Gesture of his children wounds were still not fully healed a monster him how to hunt it! Of meat especialy close to raw beef didnt want to drink human blood to harm their hosts, but was. Season of the Originals, and Halloween costumes you fight for ; lovely,..., like the color of Freya 's hair cocktail shaker, muddle the with! The bats drink their victim & # x27 ; t be taken from Live human donors his in. Will feed on humans with only mild reluctance when Davina fed him her blood a delighted Mikael the... The bats drink their victim & # x27 ; s blood easy to a... Klaus then staked Mikael for a second and final time, executing his step-father without a fight human donors that! Stake, overpowering him and causing him an extreme amount of pain like his wife Back! Stake and incapacitated her she can also get inside people heads and show them her memories leash and how can mikael drink vampire blood.., incapacitating him and nearly managing to kill Klaus Stefan, the daughter you know! Her werewolf ability nourishment for their survival could stomach alcohol, they would have gone through with the orange and.

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