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14 March 2023 by

Good luck! But the convenience of the category "Apostolic Fathers" to express not only those who might possibly have had some sort of direct contact with apostles - such as "Barnabas," Clement, Ignatius, Papias, Polycarp - but also those who seemed specially to preserve the pure tradition of apostolic doctrine during the sub-apostolic age, has led to its general use in a wide and vague sense. Other prophets confine themselves to vague and general predictions, but the author of Daniel is strikingly particular as to detail in everything relating to the period in which he lived, i.e. This whole prophecy, which is perhaps the most interesting in the Book of Daniel, presents problems which can never be thoroughly understood, first because the author must have been ignorant of both history and chronology, and secondly, because, in his effort to be as mystical as possible, he purposely made use of indefinite and vague expressions which render the criticism of the passage a most unsatisfactory task. The position is vague, but the mouth of the Thames in these early times may be considered as not far from the present position of London Bridge. Check all that apply. The physiology of this group of "states" is, as regards the real understanding of their production, eminently vague (see also Hypnotism). She wore a tee shirt with no bra, perhaps in some vague attempt to emulate Penny, but with only a fraction of the appropriate equipment. It probably arose in the first instance from a vague popular distinction between the continent itself and the Roman province of "Asia", which at one time included most of the peninsula west of the central salt desert (Axylon). The vague and fragmentary character of the narrative, in this section, forcibly contrasts with the clear and careful tracing of the outward way. Privacy Policy. All the commonly occurring elements and compounds appear to have received notice by the alchemists; but the writings assigned to the alchemical period are generally so vague and indefinite that it is difficult to determine the true value of the results obtained. He urged that history is not to be treated as an exact science, and that the effects of individual character and the operations of the human will necessarily render generalizations vague and consequently useless. 235 116 If they get vague or refuse to give you anything in writing, hang up. Advertisement Answer 11 people found it helpful Azuna95 HEYA!! Even her nightmares had been vague, with an unidentified entity stalking her. Narrow-minded Christian consciences, however, could not stay long on this level; law was so very much more satisfying a guide than vague, elusive charity. Vague spoilers that are just juicy and detailed enough to hook you into wanting to watch the next episode immediately is usually a sign of legitimacy. This year is called vague, by reason of its commencing sometimes at one season of the year, and sometimes at another. But the title of emperor was also used in the middle ages, and is still used, in a loose and vague sense, without any ecclesiastical connotation or hint of connexion with Rome (the two attributes which should properly distinguish an emperor), and merely in order to designate a non-European ruler with a large extent of territory. Faith in a risen Savior is necessary if the vague stirrings toward immortality are to bring us to restful and satisfying communion with God. In other words, vague pronouns can cause confusion as they do not refer to a specific noun in the sentence. So, too, the vague and sentimental socialism which pervades Munera Pulveris, Time and Tide and Fors is now very much in the air, and represents the aspirations of many energetic reformers. At the lowest level we have vague movements of large groups of muscles, as in "bier-divination," where the murderer or his residence is inferred from the actions of the bearers; of a similar character but combined with more specialized action are many kinds of witch seeking. A vague tradition connects the house with the Colonna family of Rome, or the Colalto family of Lombardy; but one more definite unites the Hohenzollerns with the Burkhardingers, who were counts in Raetia during the early part of the 10th century, and two of whom became dukes of Swabia. Long before the Protestant revolt, simple, obscure people, under the influence of leaders whose names have been forgotten, lost confidence in the official clergy and their sacraments and formed secret organizations of which vague accounts are found in the reports of the 13th-century inquisitors, Rainerus Sacchoni, Bernard Gui, and the rest. If theosophy were to be judged solely by the published revelations of this "Secret Doctrine" it would hardly be deserving of serious consideration; for, as suggested in the separate article on Madame Blavatsky, the revelations themselves appear to have been no more than a crude compilation of vague, contradictory and garbled extracts from various periodicals, books and translations. Our earlier notices of Sicily, of Sicels and Sicans, in the Homeric poems and elsewhere, are vague and legendary. The movie gets very talky from here on in, so the plot is necessarily more vague. Tonic-clonic seizure-This is the most common type of seizure among all age groups and is categorized into several phases beginning with vague symptoms hours or days before an attack. His declarations during the campaign were vague regarding the tariff and unfavourable to the United States Bank and to nullification, but he had already somewhat placated the South by denying the right of Congress to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia without the consent of the slave states. For purposes of precise scientific investigation the study of spectra is generally more suitable than the vague and unsatisfactory estimates of colour, which differ with different observers. If you write a bland or vague objective, you are not really saying anything that will make you stand out from the crowd. Many of the ancient oaks that remain in England may date from Saxon times, and some perhaps from an earlier period; the growth of trees after the trunk has become hollow is extremely slow, and the age of such venerable giants only matter of vague surmise. The capitularies of 805 and 821 also contain vague references to sworn unions of some sort, and a capitulary of 884 prohibits villeins from forming associations "vulgarly called gilds" against those who have despoiled them. Their terms are vague at best and Erica soon realizes the riot went off half-cocked. C) This massive amount of homework is too much for a sixth-grader. Signed to XL, they are probably the best band around who fit the vague description punk funk. In the first book there are fifteen propositions, with seven postulates; and demonstrations are given, much the same as those still employed, of the centres of gravity (I) of any two weights, (2) of any parallelogram, (3) of any triangle, (4) of any trapezium. A vague pronoun is one whose antecedent in a sentence is not clear.In other words, we do not know to whom the pronoun refers. Such results show the ability of the whole model to map visual scenes of objects into vague linguistic quantifiers. Until the discovery of protoplasm, and the series of investigations by which it was established that the cell was a fundamental structure essentially alike in both animals and plants (see Cytology), there was a vague belief that plants, if they could really be regarded as animated creatures, exhibited at the most a lower grade of life. He was quiet, and her thoughts wandered to Anshan and her alleged, vague duty to the people. The lines presented to the eye by the scattered filings are too vague and ill-defined to give a satisfactory indication of the field-strength (see Faraday, Experimental Researches, 3 2 37) though they show its direction clearly enough. It is a vague principle, of which the ethical character depends on the interpretation; and it was variously interpreted in the school of Saint-Simon. Inquiries 1 2 3 4 07 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, Idea of Dragon Fruit Research Title! In the autumn of 73 Lucullus marched to Cabeira or Neocaesarea, where the king had gone into winter quarters with a vague hope that his son-in-law, Tigranes, king of Armenia, and possibly even the Parthians, might come to his aid. Litigation in the yarn trade is very unusual, and Lancashire traders generally have only vague notions of the bearing of law upon their transactions, and a wholesome dread of the exp'erience that would lead to better knowledge. A little knowledge about its sources above these points was given by the savages to de la Fuente in 1759 and to Mendoza in 1764, and we are also indebted to Humboldt for some vague data. It was not till the 5th that Napoleon received tidings of his advance, and for the moment these were so vague that he contented himself by warning the remainder of his forces to be prepared to move on the 6th. His doctrine at that date appears to have been very vague; he seemingly rejected the invocation of saints and also second marriages, and preached penitence. Suddenly, Deidre's vague story of lost love and Gabe's bitterness towards her clicked. Its wide collar and lapel has a vague 1970s look while the rest of the coat is strikingly modern. HERE'S YOUR ANSWER The week after this I noticed she was very emotional and became vague. The "Shires" is a recognized term, but is nevertheless somewhat vague. After reading the sentence and analyzing its pronouns, we can answer in the following manner:. It seems to have soon passed out of use as a precise geographical designation; for though occasionally mentioned by Apocryphal writers, by Josephus, and by Eusebius, the allusions are all vague, and show that those who made them had no definite knowledge of Gilead proper. Unfortunately, on almost every point on which he touches, the statements of Gildas are vague and obscure. Climb directly up the vague arete above the good jug (the normal route trends up rightwards ). The vague stir of these movements had perturbed Mutesa, and they were regarded with deep suspicion by his successor, Mwanga. The Fastest thing Alive has a rather vague and suggestive back-story with a plethora of variations available as to his exact origin and location. On the other hand, nearly all systems of philosophy have discussed the underlying problems. In fact much of the terminology surrounding old books is rather vague. Second language learners, who have already developed a proficiency in spoken and written language, will benefit from an understanding of the basics of business writing if they plan to enter the business world. She was beyond tired. The exact meaning of active is somewhat vague at the moment. Do n't try to distract us with vague promises of " lists of extremists " upon which your name will not be found. Their several histories were fused by the Elizabethan dramatists, and associated with the Maid Marian of the morris dance, who up to that time had probably only a vague connexion with Robin Hood. Although our conception of the poet's life is necessarily vague and meagre, yet his personal force is so remarkable and so vividly impressed on his poem, that we seem able to form a consistent idea of his qualities and characteristics. I did have a vague idea of what the story might center on, but it was very unformed. But however vague and uncertain might be the meaning of Hoadly in regard to several of the important bearings of the questions around which he aroused discussion, he was explicit in denying the power of the Church over the conscience, and its right to determine the condition of men in relation to the favour of God. Anti-Taurus is a term of rather vague and doubtful application. The week after this I noticed she was very emotional and became vague. The Koran, the sole authentic authority in all matters, legal or civil, never accurately distinguished between the sheikh and the cadi, and its phrases, besides, are vague and capable of admitting different and even opposite interpretations. Which sentence has a vague pronoun error? If the answers to your questions sound vague ask for clarification. The tradition of their former settlements in and influence over the island was strong; in 1840 they had taken under their protection the Sakalava ruler of the small island of Nossi-be, off the north-west coast, and in virtue of that act claimed a vague protectorate over the adjacent shores of the mainland. There is a vague idea that the "soul" will go somewhere after death, but there is no heaven nor hell, nor idea of a corporeal resurrection. The complexity and mystery of action inherent in living matter have probably been accountable for much of the vague philosophy of disease in the past, and have furnished one reason at least why pathology has been so long in asserting its independence as a science. Though they are vague terms that encompass many areas of your business, once you pinpoint what they mean for your success you will watch your bottom line rise. If a casting ad is vague, don't be afraid to ask lots of questions before sending in an application or offering up your personal information. On this point Hume contents himself with the vague remark that " there are a numerous set of passions and sentiments, of which thinking rational beings are by the original constitution of nature the only proper objects.". Though it is great to say "I want to succeed," succeed is such a vague term and can mean anything from finding your first client to owning a billion dollar corporation. Apart from the details of his socialistic teaching, which are vague and unsystematic, we find that the ideas of Saint-Simon as to the reconstruction of society are very simple. As an adjective, the word becomes vague . Out of the vague and limitless body there sprung a central mass, - this earth of ours, cylindrical in shape, poised equidistant from surrounding orbs of fire, which had originally clung to it like the bark round a tree, until their continuity was severed, and they parted into several wheelshaped and fire-filled bubbles of air. Someone who gives vague answers or avoids answering your questions is trying to hide something. Discover some glittering generalities examples and learn more about this communication device. Alexander, exaggerating the part he had played in the final struggle, and with some vague idea of nationality in his brain, demanded that the whole of Poland should be added to the Russian dominions. Softness of outline, warmth of colouring, a fine and almost voluptuous feeling for beauty of every kind, and a pleading and melancholy tenderness-such were the elements of the spell which he threw round the sympathies of his reader, and which his compatriots expressed by the vague but expressive word blanditia. Being devoid of all attributes, it can be the object only of meditation, not of practical devotional rites; and philosophy can only attempt to characterize it in general and vague terms, as in the favourite formula which makes it to be sachchidananda, i.e. Human law, however, can deal with outward conduct alone, and natural law, as we have seen, is liable to be vague and obscure in particular applications. Although most people have a general vague idea of what constitutes an "antelope," yet the group of animals thus designated is one that does not admit of accurate limitations or definition. Here again Howell gave a rather plodding performance, playing Antipholus of Ephesus on a sustained note of vague irritation. Alfurese, a vague term meaning in the mouths of the natives little else than non-Mahommedan, has been more particularly applied by Dutch philologists to the native speech of certain tribes in Celebes. . Belief in a Supreme Being is vague but universal, but as this Being is good, or at least neutral, he is disregarded, and the native applies himself to the propitiation and coercion, by magical means, of the countless malignant spirits with which he imagines himself to be surrounded, and which are constantly on the watch to catch him tripping. Find English textbook solutions? The symptoms of pancreatic cancer can be quite vague. The temper of the times, a vague discontent with the established order of things, and some political enthusiasm imbibed from the writings of Rousseau, are the best reasons which can now be assigned for Gallatin's desertion of home and friends. This is illustrated by the difficulties inherent in the conception of Cause, Space, Time, Matter, Motion, the Infinite, and the Absolute, and by the" relativity of knowledge,"which precludes knowledge of the Unknowable, since" all thinking is relationing. It seems most probable, therefore, that the name Cassiterides represents the first vague knowledge of the Greeks that tin was found overseas somewhere in or off western Europe. But the teaching of the Bible is not systematic, and the authority of consciousness is vague; while the creeds into which Church tradition crystallizes emerge out of long theological discussions. It contains some great information that touches on the vague aspects of copyright law and how to interpret them. and A JUDGE has refused to ban a drug addict from carrying drug paraphernalia on the grounds the definition is too vague. Popular scents frequently combined with apple fragrances include vanilla, cinnamon, brown sugar, and spice, and these aroma blends may be labeled with more vague titles, such as "Autumn Harvest" or "Country Fall" instead of apple names. They may remember vague images of frightening animals such as spiders or snakes or people who were trying to hurt them. Their resolutions, though necessarily vague, amounted to a pledge of mutual support in the cause of unity and independence. There, beyond the Great Wall, a large but scattered population of native Christians had found a refuge from the persecutions of KiaKing, to be united half a century later in a vast but vague apostolic vicariate. Up to this period all was vague conjecture. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. The invention of the art of writing afforded the means of substituting precise and permanent records for vague and evanescent tradition; but in the infancy of the world, mankind had learned neither to estimate accurately the duration of time, nor to refer passing events to any fixed epoch. Attempts to trace earlier bishops as far back as the 5th century have yielded only vague and contradictory results. As with other chronic health conditions such as high blood pressure, you may not even know something is wrong, especially if your symptoms are vague or fleeting. Hence it is used to describe a vague time in the future when all flaws in human existence will have vanished, and perfect goodness and happiness will prevail. In these, Thompson often makes vague legal threats and slanders his recipients. There were vague promises of "lists of extremists" upon which your name will not be found. This is not merely in the vague sense that on the whole good will be rewarded and evil punished, but that every single act must work out to the uttermost its inevitable consequences, and receive its retribution, however many ages the process may require. Nor was he (apart from his reception of legendary elements into his narrative) unworthy of the honour in which he was held; for he is really a great historian, in the form of his matter and in his conception of his subject - diligent, impartial, well-informed and interesting, if somewhat rhetorical in style and vague in chronology. A) Everyone knows the way to get to Kansas City. And those thoughts, though now vague and indefinite, again possessed his soul. Though the vague plan for an invasion of England fell to the ground Ulm and Austerlitz obliterated Trafalgar, and the camp at Boulogne put the best military resources he had ever commanded at Napoleons disposal. And this supplies Eudemus with a standard for the determination of the mean by reason, which Aristotle demanded, but himself left vague. Eschatology was universalized (God was recognized as the creator and moral governor of all tic the world), individualized (God's judgment was directed, not to nations in a future age, but to individuals in a future life), transcendentalized (the future age was more and more contrasted with the present, and the transition from the one to the other was not expected as the result of historical movements, but of miraculous divine acts), and dogmatized (the attempt was made to systematize in some measure the vague and varied prophetic anticipations). In their civil affairs the Armenians follow the ancient vague year of the Egyptians; but their ecclesiastical year, which begins on the 1 1th of August, is regulated in the same manner as the Julian year, every fourth year consisting of 366 days, so that Easter and the other festivals are retained at the same place in the seasons as well as in the civil year. No. The mention of Israel on the stele of Merenptah, discovered by Petrie in 1896 (" Israel [Ysirael] is desolated; its seed [or] is not "), is too vague and indefinite in its terms to throw any light on the question of the Exodus. Without resorting to this exaggeration, Mommsen can speak with perfect truth of the " enormous space occupied by the burial vaults of Christian Rome, not surpassed even by the cloacae or sewers of Republican Rome," but the data are too vague to warrant any attempt to define their dimensions. In the school of Saint-Simon we find a great advance on the vague and confused views of the master. By the time they took up their quills, vague reports about a crucified savior named Jesus were widely afloat. Among the latter were the mayor of Zagreb, the poet Vojnovic, and prominent Serb, Croat and Slovene deputies of all parties, including the peasant leader Stephen Radic and the future minister Pribicevic. Of these omissions and points left vague, some were inevitable, because an agreement could not have been reached, some were due to the impossibility of foreseeing what difficulties the future would bring with it. If you leave him any sort of message, make it short and very simple, and VAGUE. It must not be supposed, however, that the Catholic idea of a sacerdotal blessing has anything of the vague character associated with a benediction by Protestants. khushi7481 Explanation: There is a vague possibility that we could be found liable of contributory infringement, our attorney says. 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